Author Topic: ...i just met swholli  (Read 4960 times)

ask him if ohio is a real place because its not

i can confirm this is a real place hahaha.

Tom next time I'm in Chiraq we're making this happen

I'm at Turnipblog and Jam Jar so far

hell yeah. jam jar happened to be here one night and i missed his ass smh. for the others, i almost met up with pablo but weather didn't permit, plus i was a pusillanimous individual bitch and didn't want to drive downtown. i drove downtown when i saw mack's band play here last time so i don't think it should be a issue.

Why do all the cool Blocklanders get to meet up o︵o

i'm cool? wat. jk. it's such a weird thing to meet people you've known and seen on this forum or even in-game. it's just weird to eat at a local staple of akron and talk about icygamma's old youtube stuff IRL....actually just talking about icygamma in person is just weird in general.

i wanna do this stuff way off in the future sometime. too bad im stuck on an island

yo like of course i wanna hang tho

and we have like 70% less crime rate then other places

never heard of any blockland players from scotland, does anyone know any?

never heard of any blockland players from scotland, does anyone know any?
Maxwell and I are scottish

i can confirm this is a real place hahaha.
then the project to sink ohio and make super-lake ohio hasnt worked either

Why do all the cool Blocklanders get to meet up o︵o
would you really want to meet anyone else here though

would you really want to meet anyone else here though
I mean, there is a sizable chunk of people here who are genuinely nice and chill, so yes

I mean, there is a sizable chunk of people here who are genuinely nice and chill, so yes
i've had a couple meetups with the abs fiesta crew. buncha plane nerds

I met adam at FWA this year and obviously I've met androfox
I have intentions to meet frontrox and ipquarx eventually. other than that I'm not sure. some of yall are kinda weird

I suppose I know some other people who I'd like to meet but without me knowing that they would also like to it's not really a specific goal for me, ya dig

actually just talking about icygamma in person is just weird in general.
confirmed. I mentioned frontrox when I saw adam and I don't think I had ever said that name aloud to another person before. it is weird
« Last Edit: June 16, 2019, 10:45:00 AM by Foxscotch »

im in alabama and i dont know of any blocklanders here lol

im in alabama and i dont know of any blocklanders here lol
oh in bham bruh? I live in auburn. that's like two hours away. you should go to the next furry bowling meet there. they have one every month

is there anyone in toronto lmao

i lived in a rural canadian town most my life so its no surprised i've never met anyone from here

oh in bham bruh? I live in auburn. that's like two hours away. you should go to the next furry bowling meet there. they have one every month
I've been hunting in auburn, did the last tornado affect you any?