Author Topic: Sir Blockchip I of Autisma, Squire of thee Lord of (the) Board.  (Read 13354 times)

So, if you haven't heard of this dude already, he's been causing a stir in lord tony's drama recently. and holy loving stuff, if lord tony was at a point obsessed with bronies, then this guy is definitely obsessed with tony. to me, it feels like every single time is see this handicap post its always taking a jab at tony in one way or another. I'll be honest, I'm not making this thread because i feel bad or any sympathy for tony. If tony had any sense he'd shrug anything this dude said off. (and it looks like he has)

I get it, blockchip, you're mad at tony. You just plain hate the guy. That can remain your opinion not like i could stop you anyways. Between the way tony constantly posts, repeats himself, the harvest stuff, i can totally see why you don't him.

But heres the thing. His stuff is loving everywhere. he has made so many posts about Lord Tony that my only association with him is "the guy that hates lord tony".

The following is every single post that Blockchip has made in relation to Tony that I can find. I'm not putting them in order, highlighting, or replying to any of these posts. I feel the sheer number should speak for itself.

Because i can think of several reasons to not do it and no reasons to do it.
I'd ask you for a reason to do it, but chances are you'll just say "there are plenty of reasons" and then not actually provide any. You do that.

There's a certain point when the "it's just my opinion" excuse is no longer valid;
And you've definitely passed it.
Edit: also seriously, why do you double-post
Either think before you post or use the edit button.

okay this is definitely trolling

Is there any difference between gwinnet ale/brew/lager/etc?

Seriously tony can't you just leave anything at "i personally don't like this"
I'm as mildly annoyed by the inability to kill children as much as the next guy buy you are seriously overblowing this.
You treat every minor problem you have with the game as if it's destroying the industry or something.
This is why people adopt the "just install a mod" attitude: The game can't please everyone, but everyone expects to be pleased. even people like tony who can't be pleased and will basically grasp at any straw he wants for something to complain aboutYou say that so often it's starting to lose it's meaning.

But it's not supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be realistic!

Complaining about something on a forum in which almost nobody wants to hear you doesn't fix developers either.
Please stop treating this forum like a direct hotline to Bethesda.
Also, are you seriously saying that Bethesda is a broken developer that is single-handedly destroying the concepts of creative freedom and choice and harming the games industry because they made games in which you can't rape or kill children?
I really don't see how they're actively trying to not offened anyone by exluding those. They simply don't have a good enough reason to put it in the game.
I'm still baffled as to why you expect hardcore survival realism from fallout 4.
It's a shooter-RPG. It's not supposed to be realistic. It's supposed to be fun.

That's not an example.
Saying "you've been living under a rock if you don't know, happens all the time" isn't an example.

The ESRB cares, and it's nowadays hard to get a game in which you can kill children past them without an adult rating.
It's not really worth the trouble, and it's not like its an active problem destroying creativity, free choice, and the games industry if it doesn't include it.

Nobody said it was.
They just said it's a bit hard to get it past the ESRB.
Which it is.
Honestly, if you care about killing children so much (which i highly doubt you do) just install a mod and shut up about it.

Can you provide an example of this from within the current century?

Isn't that part of the plot of metal gear solid V?
There are child soldiers that specifically use ak-47s and it's a game over if you harm them, even though they try to kill you?
Was that a thing that happened in that game?

Why are people still bumping this thread?
I'm starting to see why people were so annoyed when i kept doing it.
At least when i did it i tried to keep my posts relevant to the original topic and not stuff about alts.
Speaking of alts, can someone PM me the amount of alts tony has gone through?

You can't "realize" an opinion.
Just because you feel really strongly about new vegas being an objectively perfect game and fallout 4 being terrible because it's different doesn't make it a fact.Why not?

This is great.
We can danse all we want to. We can leave your synths behind.

If tony gets voted worst, he'll say "i got first place, i won"
If he doesn't he'll say "I'm not the worst, i won"

I agree with Nonnel.
Being second worst is probably even worse than being first worst.
And besides, second or first, i really don't think tony should be talking as if he's the best just because he isn't the worst.

yes, all of those were stupid.
i sent the third one forgetting i sent the first two because i am stupid.
But it's a really richard move when you're so spiteful of somewhat that you bump a thread that you clearly want to be dead with personal messages from someone the thread isn't supposed to be about.
I really don't see a single reason why you'd take that out of PMs other than spite.

Okay then, neither will i.
Tony stops saying stupid things, i stop replying to stupid things, and tony keeps stuffposting and ruining the fallout 4 thread.
Everyone's happy.Can you make it blue, please?
TableSalt is right

How's that so?

Tony is posting in this thread just as much as me recently (probably more, considering how almost every time he posts here it's a doublepost)But only if specifically you stop posting, blockchip!
Anyone else contributing to this thread, including me, is completely fine!

If i stopped posting here and someone else came in and started posting the exact same things i would've, i'm pretty sure everyone would be completely fine with that.
Gsterman came in here and posted in just about the same manner i did and that was met with the blf equivalent of applause.

I still find it hilarious that i'm constantly accused by tony supporters of grasping at straws and beating dead horses in a drama about tony's actions in the fallout 4 thread.
Also, "i will make sure it's never forgotten".
So, out of pure spite, you're going to intentionally try to ruin my reputation and make sure it never recovers?
Well, i always thought it was a bad thing to intentionally try to make someone suffer as much as within your ability just because you don't like them.

You also post in here a lot.
How are you any better?
How did you continuing to post not make you "immature", "unreasonable", or "irrational"?

That was a question.
Also, i think it's unreasonable to see the first sentence of a post with several sentences, dislike it, and think "the entire post is probably like this"

Can you provide a link to that? I'd quite like to see you specifically predict every name, plot point, and main quest in the game "100%".

Do you think that new vegas is literally the perfect game and that "different from new vegas" and "bad" are synonymous?
Almost every "criticism" you have against fallout 4 is either about it being unrealistic or different from new vegas.

I really don't see how me continuing this is any worse than tony or anyone else continuing this.

So you're literally admitting "I think this is a good game, but i hate it anyway because it's made by bethesda"?

I don't think pure quest numbers are a good way of measuring content.
It doesn't take into account the length of the quests, or the amount of things to do that aren't quests.
Besides, "Less content" doesn't mean "worse game".

They're both RPGs made by Bethesda using the same engine.
Can you name any further similarities?

I'm pretty sure if fallout 4 was the exact same game except made by obsidian you'd lay right off it.If you think new vegas is so much better than fallout 4, why don't you stop complaining about fallout 4 and go play that instead?

Because that's the only reason you play a game, for the story.
Gameplay? Pfft!
Also, if you haven't done a single story quest, how do you know the story?
Also, please stop saying you predicted "100%" of the story.
You didn't.
It's like saying you predicted the entirety of star wars by saying "The rebels fight an empire and then they defeat the empire in the end".It's an action shooter-RPG.
The gameplay is based around killing things.

Fallout 4 isn't a real post apocalyptic world.
It's a video game.
The only thing fallout 4 concerns itself with is being fun.
Also, it does have entire gangs that rape, pillage, and kill.
They're called raiders.

I don't see how Bethesda is intentionally trying hard not to offend anyone by not including rape.
I can't think of a way how fallout 4 could've had rape that wouldn't be extremely forced, and i don't think the inclusion of rape would add anything to the game.

I don't see how what i did is any different than what gesterman did, which you responded to with this:
Like i said earlier, it seems to me like you expect fallout 4 to be a realistic hardcore survival game just because it's set in the post-apocalypse.
I don't see why being set in a post-apocalypse means a game HAS to include rape.

Yes, i am 12.
That is my current age.
I'm expecting the next few posts to be among the lines of "that explains a lot" and "haha you're 12, now i can dismiss any point you make based on your age!"

I am not saying that they are stuffposts because i disagree with them.
I didn't mention myself being "harvested" in that post. I do not care that i am "harvested"
And i didn't say that tony was doing anything bannable or against the rules.
I said that i think he is trolling, and i asked whether trolling was bannable. That is it.Again, i didn't say he was doing anything bannable.
And i really feel like him contributing to useful discussion is the minority of the time and not the majority.Are you saying that all of tony's points against fallout 4 are valid ones?
It really doesn't seem like that to me.
I can't think of a single fallout 4 posts that makes a point against the game being good or fun, they only complain that the game isn't realistic or isn't like new vegas, and he always grinds on that complaints, no matter how stupid, for pages and pages.
Multiple times on this thread, when i have said something against tony, people said something along the lines of "hahaha hook line and sinker you idiot"
Here's a bunch of examples.Can you name examples from more than one person on this thread intentionally baiting tony  into saying something?It really seems to me like that is your entire argument.
Everything you say here revolves around the assumption that whenever say tony did something i am also saying he should be banned for it, which i am not.
There's a difference between celebrating a rape mod and actively complaining that a game does not include rape, saying that it is a factually bad game because of it.
I think that the very small minority of tony's posts are decently-thought out and that most of them are just grasping at straws, and whether it's a straw or a decently-thought-out criticism, i really feel like there's no excuse for clinging to them as much as tony does.

Yes.Probably what tony's next alt will be named.

Rule against it or not, it's still extremely annoying, especially since you can edit posts
And i honestly think it is spam, since most of those double, triple, and quadruple posts are stating the same thing in slightly different ways.

Blatant trolling, extremely stupid posts, stuffposts, and constant double, triple, and even quadruple posts, to name a few things that he has done wrong.Have you read any of the last 42 pages?
After a while this stopped being about the fallout 4 thread and started being about other stupid things tony did and said, mostly in this very thread.

Also, i get that the users in this thread aren't a hive mind or anything, and i know that i've said this before, but i really feel like there's a double standard here when it comes to baiting.
Whenever tony baits someone into saying something, people say it's their fault for taking the bait.
Whenever someone supposedly "baits" tony into saying something, people say that it's their fault for setting the bait, even if they didn't even intentionally do so.

I get that people are probably going to quote this and say something among the lines of "see you're just trying to get him banned!!!", but is excessive trolling bannable?
I know that admittance to trolling is bannable and i don't see why it would be completely fine as long as you didn't admit it.

Even if that's the case, which i really think it isn't, one stuffpost is better than a thousand small stuffposts.

Nobody's saying that it's not relevant to fallout 4, but that's not an excuse.
He's not politely stating his opinion: his posts in the fallout 4 thread appear to be trolling and intentionally inflammatory stuffposts, and he constantly grinds on, repeating himself unprompted when he doesn't get enough attention, and even doubleposting basically the same thing worded in different ways. In a board where you can edit posts.
He rails on and on about the same thing, attempting to get as much mileage as he can over petty "complaints" like 'This game doesn't have rape, it's so unrealistic', and it won't be long until his posts about essential NPCs reach the triple digits.

This is why i usually mark my sarcasm in italic text.
Almost every time i don't someone thinks i legitimately believe that i think i got autism from milk and vaccines.

I am not intentionally trying to bait tony into doing something that'd get them banned.

I honestly think tony's actions in the fallout 4 thread are more than annoying.
It's very disruptive to the thread and hard to ignore, due to how many times he posts, and how people still react to him.

Fair enough, but i'm not going to believe that you got a refund, since i really don't trust you.

Sorry for having a mental condition i have no control over, i shouldn't have taken so much milk and vaccines.

And most people don't have them on steam.
Most people would wait for over 24 hours before contacting him, and most people would do it on the blf.

I don't see how that's worth stating.
Many other people have read the post i previously made stating that i have autism.
Unless you're saying that you guessed i have autism because i disagree with you, in which case that's stupid and i highly doubt that.That's not a new argument, several people have said that before.
And they're probably right.

Called it.And before you say i'm no better than tony for saying that:
  • It's not a vital rule to anything
  • I tried to make it readably large

Within exactly 24 hours.
Specifically on steam.
If you say so.

It's sarcasm you olympic dinguses

No, your own logic. You're the one who first unironically and unsarcastically "i don't see you making a raffle."

Still waiting for you to prove that you got a refund.

I may have mild autism but i'm not stupid enough to actually believe that.
inbefore "that explains a lot"



I don't see you making your own video game, therefore any criticism you ever have for a video game is invalid.
I don't see you making your own universe, therefore any criticism you have for anything ever is invalid.
I don't see you making your own bullshi- oh wait

And i guess i was right.
Taking arbitrary, hidden, and unnecessary steps to do something that should be easy isn't witty.
Unless you're talking about the fallout 4 giveaway, in which case that didn't take wit either.
It took being a friend of you,being an open supporter of harvest, and an austin powers reference which won over the place of actual jokes.

I can't be bothered to repeat myself to inform you that none of this is happening because someone lost a giveaway they didn't enter.
You seem to be very eager to repeat yourself, though.

If you say so, but why is there a time limit to contacting you at all?
And why can't you contact them, the contest requires you to give a link to your steam profile.
And if contacting your steam profile is so important, why isn't it listed in the giveaway's OP or your blf profile?

Have you ever actually made a valid point on this thread?
Recently, all you seem to be doing is accusing people of talking out of their ass.

Why are you comparing this to a doctor's appointment?
Do i really have to explain to you how giving someone a game on steam and a doctor's appointment are different?
Do i really have to explain to you how appointments and "contact me within 24 hours" are different?
Besides, doctor's don't intentionally hide their appointment date in fine print and say nothing about even having an appointment date.
There is nothing preventing tony from giving someone their game if they contact him after 24 hours have passed.

I made another mild mistake, sorry about that.
I saw that post after i posted that, and you can't edit in drama.

Wow, you must think you're real witty posting that one.
You're about the 8th person to post this.
It would be equally valid to say that several users on this thread are endlessly harping on me.
Honestly, i'm a bit uncomfortable having my actions on this thread being compared to tony's actions in the fallout 4 thread, as i feel they are very different.
I don't doublepost the same thing said in slightly different ways in a board where you can edit posts.
I don't repeat myself with nothing prompting me to do so when i don't get enough attention.
I don't try to get as much mileage as i can out of petty and stupid complaints like "this game doesn't include rape, it's so unrealistic" or "weapons that have no reason to not exist pre-war are in pre-war safes, this game is so unrealistic"

Just out of curiosity, can you prove either of these?
Actually, nevermind, our great Lord Tony® is the most trustworthy user on the forum and anyone who questions him when he appears to be lying is endlessly harping on him and will be Harvested!!!

I don't think this thread is good for my health.
Apologies if i'm being unnecessarily hostile.

Then why do you have the rule?
What possible purpose does having that rule serve and why would you intentionally hide it?

On top of what?
Nobody's hosting a competition.
Nobody's pointed at you and said "ha ha tony lost 50 dollars and got a crate he didn't want"

When people read the rules of something, the idea you suggested to buy a larger screen just in case the only important rule is intentionally hidden in small text doesn't come across most people's heads.One side is continuing this argument just as much as the other side.

Even putting aside the fact that it's fine print, it's still an extremely arbitrary, unnecessary, and stupid rule.
I'd really like this thread to go back to being about the fallout 4 thread now, but probably not before one last "but it's free!!!"

It was intentionally designed to be difficult to notice.
Putting a rule as important as that in fine print is for lack of a better word a richard move, and extremely shady.

I did do research, i just got one name confused with another.

The arbitrary rule that you had to contact tony specifically on steam within exactly 24 hours was intentionally hidden by typing it in the smallest text size possible on the blf.

stufflord won.
He didn't get anything, because he didn't contact tony specifically on steam within exactly 24 hours.
And i don't take tony's word for it, i don't put it behind him to lie about that.

Here's a list.
  • The op states that harvest members have a higher chance to win
  • Almost everyone that won was an open friend of tony and supporter of the harvest clan
  • Most people that were banned from the harvest at the time were also banned from the giveaway
  • We wouldn't know that they didn't
  • This is probably far-fetched, but i don't know how winners were selected, and i wouldn't put it behind tony to just give it to whoever he likes the most

That giveaway was designed to give to two things: Harvest members, and your reputation.

Well, i'm just going to have to take your word for that.
And i don't trust your word at all.
Especailly considering that harvest members had a higher chance to win.

Harvest members had a significantly higher chance of winning.
Seems to fit the definition of "unfair" to me.
I'm honestly sick of people going the "It's a free raffle, you don't have the right to complain or call out free things!" route.
I'm also slightly annoyed that people call it a raffle.
Harvest members have a higher chance of winning, there's an intentionally hidden and extremely arbitrary rule stating that you don't get anything if you don't contact tony on specifically steam within exactly 24 hours, anyone tony dislikes is banned from the giveaway, and the giveaway for fallout 4 was set up so tony could basically give it to whoever he liked most.
I can't even do sarcasm here: It's rigged.
It comfortably fits right into the dictionary definition of "Rigged".
I'd really appreciate it if you started doing research instead of automatically assuming that whoever tony was against is wrong.

The way tony says harvest members have a higher chance to win is hilarious.
"I am not saying Harvest members have a higher chance of winning but Harvest members do have a legit higher chance at winning. Just call me Lord Tony Claws."

As a man who has been harvested, i can confirm that it does indeed feel like a game.

I really don't understand why you think being harvested has any weight to it, almost everybody you harvest has absolutely no interest in entering the harvest clan, and some of them actively disdain the clan and are glad to be banned.I actually laughed extremely loudly when i read this.

Whenever somebody new says something you don't like, you say you "harvested" them as if it invalidates what they just said.

Are you implying harvesting isn't also irrelevant?

I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but if you aren't then wow you are really stupid.
It's in the title.

I honestly think it's enormously petty that you're banning someone from your clan because they made a three-word sarcastic comment you didn't like (and enormously stupid that you think they care)

I really don't understand this topic.
When tony apparently baits someone into saying something, people say it's their fault for taking the bait.
When someone baits tony into saying something, people say it's their fault for setting the bait.

People aren't upset by tony "harvesting" them.
And if they are, i still don't think it would be more childish and "straight up pathetic" than tony doing it in the first place.
And, while we're on the subject, i feel it would be relevant to mention again that tony blocked me from PMs because i was "flooding his inbox", even though we have both sent the exact same number of PMs to eachother.This is the drama board.You do block/ignore people, but it's apparently ok because you didn't download a script to do so.

This is like when you said "I'm not saying harvest members have a higher chance of winning but harvest members do have a legit higher chance of winning".
You are literally saying the equivalent of "I never muted anyone, but everyone i muted totally deserved it guys!"
And i don't see how anyone was ruining the integrity of the giveaway.
They weren't cheating, nothing about them disqualified them, you just didn't like them, usually because they called out how bullstuff the giveaway is.
Also, i asked to be banned from the giveaway.
I haven't been banned.
Can i be banned or harvested?
Actually, don't answer that, i don't care.

Is your skull made out of osmium?
It is mentally agonizing to see someone in such denial that they attribute everything they dislike to someone not winning their giveaway, no matter how clear it is that they don't care.

cont again

Well, sorry.
We've sent almost exactly, if not exactly, the same amount of PMs to eachother, and i feel like you should've said something about that earlier instead of things like this.I find it really funny that you're the one accusing me of spamming here.

tony, why do you even pretend "harvesting" is a meaningful thing, to the point of capitalizing it whenever you say the word?
Harvesting does nothing. It's a petty attempt for you to embarrass people you don't like. Please stop treating it like it's more than that.
And why do you think blocking PMs is fine but using a userscript to block people isn't?

While i don't go out of my way to mention it, i feel it is relevant to state that I have lord tony blocked using a userscript.
This is to make the fallout 4 thread more readable, and i feel it is necessary with the amount of stuffposts tony is spamming it with.

tony this is a drama
Arguments belong in drama.
Arguments do not belong in game topics such as the fallout 4 thread.

Seems to me like people are.

Why are people still unironically dismissing anything i say as rage over not winning tony's giveaway?
I don't care about the giveaway.
I have absolute zero interest in any game in the giveaway.
It honestly amazes me how ignorant people are to the fact that I didn't enter the giveaway.

And the only way to not be a sheep is to blindly hate anything popular?
Because that appears to be what you're doing.

Are you implying tony isn't also doing that?

Yeah, you're only the second worst person!
Everyone loves you!

in my opinion though he is the worst person

According to tony, a gun with infinite ammo is more realistic than guns with unlimited clip sizes, because fallout 4 has more guns that can have unlimited clip sizes.
That doesn't make much sense.
And tony still hasn't seemed to realize that infinite clip size and infinite ammo are different things.
And, counting, this is the 4th time he's complained about how unrealistic never-ending weapons are.
In a shooter RPG which isn't supposed to be realistic.
I'm pretty sure tony is soon going to say that fallout 4's perk system is unrealistic and claim he downloaded a mod to remove perks.

I know, that's why i'm not posting in the fallout 4 thread.
I still think the main problem is that almost the entire fallout 4 thread is now about tony making 'troll' stuffposts flaming and hating the game and not about the game.
Whether people ignore him or not, almost every other post on the fallout 4 thread is tony.
At this point, and even long before this point, it's spam and trolling.

Multiple people have made it clear several times that they want tony to shut up and stop posting things like the ones in the op, yet he continues.
Go look at the op.
Go look at tony's posts in the fallout 4 thread.
I highly doubt you'd be able to keep a straight face if you were then asked to say "This man is merely providing valid criticisms and civilized food for thought. He does not fit any dictionary definition of the word 'pest'."

I really don't think the amount of dramas someone has is a measure of how bad they are.
(in relation to tony?)

Do you care to explain how i'm being a pest?
He said that borderlands 2 has several guns with infinite clips, which is factually incorrect, just to take a stab at fallout 4.
I sent him a single PM asking him to prove that borderlands 2 has several guns with infinite clips.
He told me to "stop personal messaging me about this stuff lol" and blocked me.
I don't see how asking someone to stop doing something makes them a pest for ever having done it.
If you want to see a pest, go look at almost any of the last 100 pages in the fallout 4 thread.
You'll notice one.

Seriously, the single vladof infinity gun in borderlands 2 doesn't even work like a neverending weapon from fallout 4.
The vladof infinity doesn't consume ammo, a neverending weapon from fallout 4 does, it just never has to reload.


I don't see how that was an attempt to get tony banned.
He didn't say tony was breaking rule 7.

Over in the fallout 4 thread tony is complaining that never ending weapons are unrealistic.
I don't understand why tony thinks fallout is supposed to be realistic.
It's not supposed to be realistic, it's supposed to be fun.
Tony seems to think that it's intended to be an ultra-realistic survival game just because it's set in the post-apocalypse.

Not really, it's just a very deep barrel.
Also, there's something i find extremely funny hearing this from tony, considering his barrel-digging shenanigans in the fallout 4 thread.

He also once did it in a metal gear solid 5 topic.

Tony made a post in the fallout 4 thread claiming that borderlands 2 had guns with unlimited clip sizes.
I asked him to name one gun that isn't the vladof infinity in borderlands 2 that had an unlimited clip size.
He replied "stop personal messaging me about this stuff lol" and blocked me from PMs.

I'm assuming he means he wants me to post about it in the fallout 4 thread instead of PMing him, which i won't, because i don't want to give him any attention in the fallout 4 thread.

What a shame you didn't get along, you had so much in common.

Banning people who haven't done anything wrong because you don't like is a terrible way to administrate a server.

That doesn't matter. Just because someone out there is also being an star fish doesn't make you any less of one.And people have made it clear, serveral times, that nobody cares about your opinion.
And, opinion or not, it's extremely annoying when your justification for that opinion is stupid, and you constantly post the same "criticism" again and again, with nothing prompting you to repeat it.This is like anita sarkessian saying that she's been a fan of video games all her life and therefore any possible criticism she could have of a video game is completely valid, and anyone who says otherwise is a mysoginist.

Here's the giveaway.With the way it's set up, it hardly seems fair or square to me.

And besides, that doesn't change the fact that you do endlessly harp on fallout 4.

Also, i find it suspicious that you keep saying "fair and square" and "to the community".
Your raffle is hardly fair and square (with you banning people you don't like, and harvest members having a higher chance to win) and is more likely to give to harvest and your reputation than the community (with you banning people you don't like, and harvest members having a higher chance to win).

Military grade. Top quality.

That raffle didn't give to the community.
It gave to the harvest clan.And it didn't give out games like fallout 4. Fallout 4 was the odd one out. Every other game was trash that cost about a single US dollar or less.

Oh boy.

Hey tony.
I'm going to try to make this clear, i hope it gets through your 15-inch thick skull.

Nobody gives a stuff about being banned from your clan.
Nobody gives a stuff about being banned from your raffle.
The fact that you dismiss everyone as just being mad they can't be in your super cool harvest clan no girls allowed! or that they didn't win your raffle is more childish than anything an actual child would do.

I always think i've seen the end of it.
I always think it can't get worse than it has.
Then i enter the blf and see a guy unironically say this:Tony acts like a toddler with serveral legitimate mental problems and a supiriority complex

Yeah, back in 2077, Guns were so primitive.Make up your mind.
First you're saying jet isn't pre-war, then you said it is, and now you're saying it isn't again.
There's a pre-war terminal note in the game talking about jet being sent to vault 95 during it's construction.
Perhaps they're retconning something, but it shows that jet appearing in pre-war safes isn't an oversight.

This is so stupid i can't even make a joke about it.
You absolutely have done something.

There's also his raffle thread, his harvest clan, and his common double, triple, and even quadruple posts.

I also bought a new computer just so i could play fallout 4.This is about the fourth time you've complained about legendary items not having cosmetic differences.

Tony, i thought the entire reason you were on the forums is to stir up stuff and feed your ego.
And i've yet to be proven wrong.

(about)65 posts all about tony within the last 10 days.

holy mother of stuff, I understand he hates the guy but HOLY stuff.

also 65 posts is 4 pages of posts
all dedicated to how much he hates tony

Holy forget lol. You don't even have to read any of those quotes. The amount of them alone is enough

Yea, I was hoping someone would make a drama on him.

There was, at one point, a time where I was somewhat annoyed by how Tony would act.

Blockchip has managed to be more annoying in an attempt to try and knock some sense into Tony.


hot damn that much evidence?

I don't like tony but holy stuff that guy really hates him

So much support for this. I understand people don't like tony(I do), and frankly, you're allowed to have whatever opinion on him you please.  However, Blockchip's openly harassing him, and frankly, with the amount of stuff he's pumped out, he needs his own executive order/ban.

blockchip more like block idiot