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Topics - lordician

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6
Add-Ons / Parachute Pack
« on: January 13, 2020, 10:35:10 PM »
Based on the original mod, "Item_parachute", which was modeled by Pandan-MtnDew and scripted by Aloshi.
Original mod not required.

This mod uses the same models from the original parachute add-on, but has a completely revised script and mechanics.
New features:
  • Using the parachute Item will now mount you to an invisible bot.
  • No more changing datablock when you use the parachute.
  • Plays the sitting animation while parachuting.
  • Your parachute can be broken by being shot.
  • Use Right-Click to remove your active parachute.
  • Touching the ground or vehicles removes your active parachute.
  • Crashing into something (somehow) removes your active parachute.
  • Landing in water removes your active parachute.
  • Using the parachute item (succesfully) removes it from your inventory. (Glass Preference to toggle this feature on/off.)
  • Events added for the Player target to start and stop parachuting.

Bug reports and feedback are always welcome, but i cannot guarantee that i will update this often.
If you find a bug, please tell me how to reproduce the issue. :)

Dropbox - Item_ParachutePack v1.1.0
Blockland Glass - Item_ParachutePack v1.1.0


Version 1.1.0
(New) Features:
* Changed name from "parachute" to "Parachute Pack", sorry for that.
* Lowered Drag and Upped the AirControl, you fall slightly faster but can move more freely in the air.
* Added Bot Target events for startParachute and stopParachute.
* Improved script:
   * Now less crash-prone, specifically when using the no-remove option for the item.
   * Jetting disables you from deploying your parachute (also prevents the event from creating your parachute).


If the image is broken, whatever, it is a very simple model, but it is all i have for now.

HeightControl Version 2 coming soonTM. Backwards compatibel!

Modification Help / Torque Quick Reference Guide Not Available
« on: June 09, 2017, 10:15:48 AM »
It seems as though the website which hosted the Torque Quick Reference Guide is not hosting the file anymore.
In my foolishness i never downloaded the PDF somehow.
Does anybody own a copy/host it somewhere else?
I found this document super useful (hence i am surprised i never actually downloaded it).
I am sure other people would find it useful too if there was another copy somewhere.

Modification Help / Project Support_HeightControl [Code Questions]
« on: January 24, 2017, 04:13:07 PM »
The revival of HeightControl is finally near.
After another way too long time (i had to necrobump), i finally came around and finished the important part of the code.
What is currently left to do is add the client sided prediction code (for people playing with latency mostly, to make going up and down look smoother) and fix one small bit that will add the last bit of backwards compatibility (i had to edit this build to be backwards compatible).

!WARNING! Incompatible with the old client of HeightControl due to massive rewrite.
Please request people who join and want to use HeightControl properly to download this build as well.
This build's client will be compatible with every upcoming build from now on.
My apologies for this inconvenience.

What changed?
Players/Server Owners should not notice much except for every vehicle made to use HeightControl now going up in the direction of the vehicle's up.
I fixed that the helicopters no longer go statically up (so no more super tilted but still going straight up helicopters) by default.

This feature is still available for modders though.
This and the rewrite does make it easier to use the crouch key.
HeightControl is now an add-on of an internal script which i called Vehicle Trigger Functions v2 (VTFv2), which aimed to fix some issues i had with the onTrigger functions.
For example, every trigger that the driver presses in the driver seat of a vehicle (now also fixed so that every type of vehicle works) gets pushed to the vehicle's onTrigger function.
Previously this was limited to the jump key only, but now modders can use that onTrigger just like they would use a player's onTrigger function, for every trigger you have (jumping, crouching, jetting (the latter still dismounting you from the vehicle)).
All the triggers except jumping (which you could do via the vehicle's onTrigger function) and crouching (not detectable on drivers) were done by packaging the Armor::onTrigger function. While it worked, it should be easier and more understandable now it is under the vehicle's onTrigger function as well.
I also added a new function called onPassengerTrigger for vehicles to use when a passenger presses a trigger.
A client script was and still is needed to fix the crouching key (not for the jump key anymore though, that was a mistake on my part), i did a whole load of tests with different ways to detect if someone was pressing the crouch key in the driver seat, but nothing worked. Trust me.
But this also will be used (soon) to implement some velocity "prediction", which will make the heightcontrol look a bit smoother, especially if there is lag present.
A vague plan is to also add the movement keys to this system (under onMovementTrigger or something similar) to give modders the ability to use those for interesting things as well.
Though this might be a bit too much.

Users should not notice much change except for the non-static going up now, modders will see an increase in how easy it is to use this mod for their own weird/cool experiments (like submarines... Never expected that....).

EDIT: Previous topic content.
After years of other random projects, procrastinating and low motivation i finally decided to just take some time to finish some stuff up.
I am very sorry for those that waited for this, though i doubt there are many.
This is also because i recently visited a server using helicopters (Stay Woke!) and i really, really feel ashamed that i never added the thing where you go up relative to the vehicle's rotation instead of a static height increase. :X

Either way, i am not here to gloat over this fact but to discuss matters. Code matters.
I will list my questions with a bit of text after it to explain my questions in context a bit.
Don't want the questions to get lost in the text either.
1. Does any of you think calling the player's vehicle onTrigger from Armor::onTrigger could cause trouble?
I already check if the player is the driver, though i also am working on an additional function called onPassengerTrigger to make it easier for vehicle makerrs to detect if a passenger is pressing a trigger.
2. Does anybody (not the forum user) know if there is a way to detect if the driver of a vehicle is pressing his crouch button without client script?
3. The Torque Quick Reference Guide or whatever speaks of a ShapeBaseData::onTrigger, yet when i package for example the FlyingVehicleData::onTrigger and Parent it, it gives a console error saying: "Unknown command onTrigger".
Is it safe to make a ShapeBaseData::onTrigger function or should i package it still?
What is the preferred/recommended way of doing this?
4 & 5 & 6. Back in the days, after the release of HeightControl on RTB, i got a tip of M (Clockturn... I think?)
Quote from: M
What you should do is when the client gets into a vehicle that uses this, send them a clientcmd telling it the velocities the vehicle uses, and use
ServerConnection.getControlOb ject().getObjectMount()
to get the vehicle clientside then apply the velocity clientside. This still works (for now - it wouldn't surprise me if Dadspot "idiot-proofed" this too later)

Anyway, essentially what this means is, if you replicate the serverside logic clientside, it'll be (theoretically) smooth at higher latencies (ie, above 300 or so, where it becomes noticeable, though in theory even all the way up)
Would this be much more efficient?
Does it even work still?
Can i use set and getVelocity on the vehicle's object clientsided?
Most of these questions are asked because it seems odd to me that i can get (and apparently set) all this information clientsided.

EDIT: After dumping some stuff about the clientsided things and finally actually trying it out, the effect should be good and as M said, on a higher latency, it will help those people.
Especially for something like HeightControl.

Here's a bit of context for some of the questions:
Currently i am building it so that the onTrigger function of vehicles will also get called when the driver presses his crouch button, fire weapon/tool button and jet button.
The crouch button sadly can only get done through a client script, since none of the other onTrigger's gets called when you crouch as the driver.
So sadly i have to report, only the jump button client part has been removed ever since.
Back in the days i made a mistake in my tests and thought the onTrigger did not get called with a triggerValue..
So i made a client script to fix that... Yeah that wasn't needed either.
But after a lot of testing and checking things i am 100% convinced that only the crouch button is something i need a client script for.
But i just want to really know for sure.
Though i have gotten a tip on another way to handle descending, the light key, i prefer to give modders a way to use what they can use normally in other onTrigger functions.

That is basically my goal here as well, to "fix" the onTrigger function of vehicles for drivers.
It only gets called when pressing the jump key, which is... weird.
On top of that, the crouch key doesn't even get detected serverside if you are a driver of a vehicle...
This all binds into the heightControl mod, the "fix" to the onTrigger function has now basically become the base on which HeightControl will work.

Sorry for the wall of text and lot of questions, i just want to do this right, hopefully in one shot so that i do not have to change too much after the rerelease.
Especially on the client side, i want to avoid everyone running different versions of the client script specifically.
This rerelease will work perfectly fine with vehicles created with the old heightControl in mind.
Well most of them, i think the submarines will suffer because they overwritten some of the old functions that i have changed the function, name and pretty much everything of. :X

If you have any suggestions, questions or anything related to HeightControl, feel free to put them here as well!
This topic is basically gonna be my main development topic for project HeightControl.

Modification Help / Disabling Jetting and/or Jumping
« on: September 20, 2016, 03:01:33 PM »
Hey all.
I am trying to help someone with a script, but i am losing my mind here.
I seem to remember there was a way to stop people from jetting and/or jumping without changing datablock.
We are trying to disable the player from moving temporarily, but try to avoid changing the datablock (due to other datablocks having possible other models and all then your no-move datablock).
So far we have tried it by overwriting the Armor::onTrigger function, but doing a return when the trigger = 4 or 2 does not stop the player from jetting and jumping respectively.
Removing the return but just not call the parent did not work either.
here's the code of the one with the return.
Code: [Select]
package test
function armor::onTrigger(%this, %obj, %triggerNum, %val)
%mount = %obj.getMountedImage(0);
if(%mount == testImage.getID() || %mount == testAIMImage.getID())
if(%triggerNum == 2 && %mount == testAIMImage.getID()) //Jumping
else if(%triggerNum == 4)
%obj.mountImage(testAIMImage, 0);
%obj.playthread(1, armready);
%obj.playthread(0, sit);
%obj.mountImage(testImage, 0);
%obj.playthread(0, root);
%obj.playthread(1, armready);
Parent::onTrigger(%this, %obj, %triggerNum, %val);
I changed the names of the images that get mounted and the package to not potentially give the project away just in case. :X

Please send help, i am certain you could either disable jumping or jetting or both without switching the datablock of the player, but i cannot remember how.

Modification Help / [SOLVED] Getting the current state of an image
« on: June 18, 2016, 01:58:18 PM »
There is a maximum amount of states apparently:
Images can only have a max of 30 states[1]

you should just loop through stateName0 to stateName30
And here's my code changed to reflect this knowledge!
Code: [Select]
function WeaponImage::getImageStateNo(%this, %stateName)
if (%stateName $= "Error")
return -1;

for(%i=0;%i<=30;%i++) //There is a maximum of states an image can have (31 in total, so 0 to 30)
if (%this.stateName[%i] $= %stateName)
return %i;
return -1;
If the name given is Error or if it cannot find the given name, it will return -1 which is of course an impossible state number.
If it does find a state with that name, it will return the right number.
Hope this helps someone else as well!

Original post
Greetings again, i am here with more of a question/discussion about how to do something.
The thing is, we can get the name of the state an image is in by using getImageState, however, this returns the name, not the number.
How could we find the number efficiently?
For all i know, the image could have the state with that name on number 999999 in the stateName array for no apparent reason.
And i know people SHOULD not do that and just use numbers in sequence, but i have seen before that some images use numbers that are out of the sequence.
For example, Deadzone's melee weapons have some that have no 8th state, but they do have a 9th state for example.
So this rules out a while loop that stops if it finds an empty spot in the array.
Is there any other way to do this aside from running a while loop until you find the state with that name?

Here's how i search for it right now for whatever reasons needed:
Code: [Select]
function WeaponImage::getImageStateNo(%this, %stateName)
if (%stateName $= "Error")
return -1;

%i = 0;
%found = 0;
if (%this.stateName[%i] $= %stateName)
%found = 1;
return %i;
I was not sure if the return would also stop the while loop so just to be sure i made something that makes sure it won't go on...
But this is pretty much an infinite loop until it finds the right thing.
If that does not exist, though luck, have fun having a crashing blockland. :X
Were it not for the low amount of stuff happening in the while loop, i would be afraid this was very prone to lagging/freezing the game.

Modification Help / [SOLVED] Relative Vector Problems
« on: June 05, 2016, 10:08:05 AM »
Fix has been found!
Apparently looking as much up as you can made the vector slightly backwards, resulting in the entire calculation going wrong.
This is the end result:
Code: [Select]
function relativeVector(%dir, %vec)
%x = getWord(%vec, 0);
%y = getWord(%vec, 1);
%z = getWord(%vec, 2);

%relYvec = vectorNormalize(%dir);
%relYx = getWord(%relYvec, 0);
if (%relYx < 0)
%relYx *= -1;
%relYy = getWord(%relYvec, 1);
if (%relYy < 0)
%relYy *= -1;

if (%relYx < 0.00001 && %relYy < 0.00001)
%relYvec2 = vectorNormalize(vectorScale((getWord(%relYvec, 0) SPC getWord(%relYvec, 1) SPC "0"), -1));
%relXvec = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(%relYvec2, "0 0 1"));
%relZvec = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(%relXvec, %relYvec));
%relXvec = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(%relYvec, "0 0 1"));
%relZvec = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(%relXvec, %relYvec));
%relVec = vectorAdd(vectorAdd(vectorScale(%relYvec, %y), vectorScale(%relZvec, %z)), vectorScale(%relXvec, %x));
return %relVec;
Please note that the fix is only really relevant in this situation where you try to get a relative vector to the eyepoint and the player is looking so much up it is actually slightly backwards.
Very specific, but i had to fix it. :X
Use the above code if you want, no credits needed or anything, just USE IT.

Original problem and fix and the last problem have been documented below this line for documentation purposes.

First problem (see below) fixed, had to normalize the relative vectors that we got after crossing the vectors.
New problem found! :C

Apparently, the second problem i encountered (looking straight up) did not neccisarily have to be directly up since the vector was actually normalized to something like: "3.49925e-006 9.2714e-007 1"
Which apparently is a vector with length 1 (a quick check confirmed this).
Bit stumped at this problem.
My current try to solve it:
Code: [Select]
function relativeVector(%dir, %vec)
%x = getWord(%vec, 0);
%y = getWord(%vec, 1);
%z = getWord(%vec, 2);

%relYvec = vectorNormalize(%dir);
%relYx = getWord(%relYvec, 0);
if (%relYx < 0)
%relYx *= -1;
%relYy = getWord(%relYvec, 1);
if (%relYy < 0)
%relYy *= -1;

if (%relYx < 0.00001 && %relYy < 0.00001)
%relYvec2 = vectorNormalize(getWord(%relYvec, 0) SPC getWord(%relYvec, 1) SPC "0");
echo(%relYvec2 SPC " -len:" SPC vectorLen(%relYvec2));
%relXvec = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(%relYvec2, "0 0 1"));
%relZvec = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(%relXvec, "0 0 1"));
//else if (%relYvec $= "0 0 1")
//%relXvec = "1 0 0"; //Not sure if this is the best solution, but it is the most realistic one
%relXvec = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(%relYvec, "0 0 1"));
%relZvec = vectorNormalize(vectorCross(%relXvec, %relYvec));
%relVec = vectorAdd(vectorAdd(vectorScale(%relYvec, %y), vectorScale(%relZvec, %z)), vectorScale(%relXvec, %x));
return %relVec;
It did not solve it though, not at all.
Any ideas?

First of all, let me note that i used this topic for guidance:
I am trying to basically do the same thing as there, track points relative from the player's eyepoint.
And while the solution given there works when looking straight forward, it seems to have some weird effect when looking up.
I found this out because i am drawing lines from point to point from specific points.
(blue lines are lines between points, red cubes are the points and the green line is the muzzleVector)
Here is it when looking forward, which is right.

And here i look more up and it seems to become more and more condensed around the z axis.

Which is not at all what i want.
Code for relative vector calculation i use right now:
Code: [Select]
function relativeVector(%dir, %vec)
%x = getWord(%vec, 0);
%y = getWord(%vec, 1);
%z = getWord(%vec, 2);

%relYvec = vectorNormalize(%dir);
%relXvec = vectorCross(%relYvec, "0 0 1");
%relZvec = vectorCross(%relXvec, %relYvec);
%relVec = vectorAdd(vectorAdd(vectorScale(%relYvec, %y), vectorScale(%relZvec, %z)), vectorScale(%relXvec, %x));
return %relVec;
Code that uses this:
Code: [Select]
function Player::calculateTrackPoint(%obj, %slot, %pointRelPos)
if (%pointRelPos $= "" || !isObject(%obj))

%location = %obj.getMuzzlePoint(%slot);

if (%pointRelPos !$= "0 0 0")
%dir = %obj.getMuzzleVector(0);
%relPos = relativeVector(%dir, %pointRelPos);
%location = vectorAdd(%location, %relPos);

return %location;
This gets the muzzlepoint and adds the vector of a point relative from the muzzleVector, if that makes sense.
For a good explanation of what i want, see the topic i linked at the top.
Together with the following points put in the above function:
Code: [Select]
$AdvMel::Point[0] = "2 -1 1.5";
$AdvMel::Point[1] = "0 1.5 0";
$AdvMel::Point[2] = "-2 1 -1";
$AdvMel::Point[3] = "-2.5 -0.6 -1";
Can someone enlighten me on how i solve this problem?

For those interested, the add-on so far.
To see the points, type /togglemuzzletrack.

Other interesting things to do, but unrelated to this problem is to type "$Server::DebugMelee = 1;" into the console and swing a bit with the testSword that comes with it.

Modification Help / Image slot 1 not properly handling setImageTrigger
« on: April 11, 2016, 02:46:23 PM »
Hello fellow coders (and hopefully Badspot or anyone else with the power to tell me what the hell the engine is doing here)!
As some of you might know, i am working on a dual wielding script.
In case you did not know this, you do now.

But i seem to have some issues with the engine which can be solved but are just plain silly.
The issue is that if you use setImageTrigger to set the trigger of an image in mount slot 1 to true, it will cause something similar to setting the trigger to 1 and immediatly to 0.
I have equipped the sword in mount slot 1 by some means and redirect my jet key to set the imageTrigger accordingly to the input of the jet trigger.
So in theory, by holding my jet key, it should swing constantly.
In theory, this should be the same as having the sword equipped like normal and holding the fire key.

However, the sword does 1 swing and then stops.
However, after placing some echo's to see if the trigger gets set to 0 before i let go of my jet key, i do not see anything strange, it sets the trigger when i want it.
In fact, after some looking around, i found that Badspot even uses this mechanic in the Akimbo Gun code.
As he sets the trigger for the left handed gun to shoot, but never resets it to 0, which is odd, because in working theory it should then never be able to shoot after that initial shot.

To make things worse, as far as i can see, mount slot 1 is the only slot with such behavior.
I can and probably will use mount slot 2 without this problem, but it is just very weird and unnecessary behavior of this mount slot and it's image.

Can this be fixed by either a script i can write or can this be patched in an update?
I know it is minor, but things like this are a slap in the face of logics when trying to find out what is going on.

I have attached the script as is for reference.
When you have executed the code, just load as normal, open item inventory when you have spawned, right click to equip an item in mount slot 1, close item inventory, use Jet key to fire from mount slot 1.

Most relevant piece:
Code: [Select]
function Armor::onTrigger (%data, %player, %slot, %io)
%noParent = 0;
if (%player.isEquipping)
%noParent = 1;
if (%io)
if (%slot == 4) //JET
%player.mountImage(%player.equipImage, 1);
%player.client.bottomPrint("You equipped the item to your Jet key.",100,1);
else if (%slot == 0 || %slot == 1) //FIRE
%player.mountImage(%player.equipImage, 0);
%player.client.bottomPrint("You equipped the item to your Fire key.",100,1);
else if (%slot == 0 || %slot == 1)
%noParent = %data.redirectTrigger(%player, 0, %io);
else if (%slot == 4)
%noParent = %data.redirectTrigger(%player, 1, %io);
if (%player.getMountedImage(1) != 0)
%noParent = 1;
%player.setImageTrigger(1, %io);

if (!%noParent)
Parent::onTrigger(%data, %player, %slot, %io);

function ShapeBase::setImageTrigger(%player, %slot, %io)
echo("SET IMAGE TRIGGER DOING: PLAYER" SPC %player SPC "| SLOT" SPC %slot SPC "| IO" SPC %io);
Parent::setImageTrigger(%player, %slot, %io);
Yes this is packaged properly. :)
And do not mind the redirectTrigger, that is a function that always returns 0 for now.
I might have written a lot of code before i checked if every step before that worked.
I was not counting on this silly engine quirk.

Suggestions & Requests / [PORT] Old bots dependent on Gamemode_Zombie
« on: October 10, 2015, 10:46:49 AM »
Ever wished for an old bot add-on that was/is dependent on the old Gamemode_Zombie add-on to be ported to the default bot system?
Well, you are in the right place!
Here you can post requests and i will archive those who have been fulfilled or are being worked on!
Now on to the requests!

Here we see requests that aren't being worked on as far as we know.

Requests can be made however!

Running Requests
Here we see requests that are currently being worked on.

Left 4 Block zombies
Currently known to be worked on by: Lordician
We still need the zombies that came with the old Gamemode_Zombie.
Latest Progress Report
I have made a normal zombie based on the ones in the L4B gamemode (Gamemode_Zombie).
This zombie does not zombificate other bots, can have different moving speeds (every zombie is unique, kinda), can have different melee damage values (depending on speed) and automatically uses the random appearance feature of the default bot system.

I have also remade the zombie tank. He behaves pretty much like he used to.
He punches you away from him, growls at you when attacking and when being idle...

Work on the zombie witch has also been completed.
She sits down when being idle and cries.
When shot or touched you will have startled her and she will attack you, killing you instantly.

Work still has to start on the boomer, hunter and smoker, probably in that order.
Any suggestions or feedback are welcome, i try to base things on how they were originally but i might change things a bit up.

Archived Requests
Here we see requests that have been done.

Phydeoux' Dog Bots
Since i am surprised Phy never did this (but did release new bots on the default bot system afterwards):
Includes Pet and Wild version, attack power and search radius taken from the original bots. :)
Made the random colors the same as the ones of Phy's bear bot.

Army Unit's & Hydralisk's Mutalid:
Check the quoted topic out for more information!
The Mutalid


Lordician's Medieval Bots
NOTE: Ported and amazingly fitting additional bots have been done by Electrk!
Check the quoted topic out for more information!

>>> DOWNLOAD <<<

This topic was based on the now too old to bump topic of tber123:
You can request ports for bots here, additionally if you feel brave one could request new bots to be made here as well. :)

Games / Telltale Games Megathread: Minecraft Story Mode Announced!
« on: November 25, 2014, 06:30:36 PM »

Telltale's games MEGATHREAD 4000!!!!11!!!
The forums will remember that.

  • Thursday 18th of December, Minecraft Story Mode announced!
  • Sometime at some date, Episode One of the Game of Thrones game got released. (Sorry, was a lazybone and did not note down the dat somewhere. If anyone knows, post it or something kthnx)
  • Thursday 27th of November, trailer released for episode one of SIX of their Game of Thrones game!
    Coming 2nd of December for PC, 3rd of December for consoles and 4th of December for iOS, Android confirmed December, but not certain when in December.
  • Tuesday 25th of November, Episode 1 of Tales from the Borderlands released!

Currently released games:
Recent episodic games:
  • Game of Thrones
    • Episode 1: Iron From Ice
    • Episode 2 to 6 not known yet.
  • Tales from the Borderlands
    • Episode 1: Zer0 Sum
    Episode 2 to 5 not released nor named yet!
  • The walking Dead Season Two
    • Episode 1: All That Remains
    • Episode 2: A House Divided
    • Episode 3: In Harm's Way
    • Episode 4: Amid The Ruins
    • Episode 5: No Going Back
  • The Wolf among us
    • Episode 1: Faith
    • Episode 2: Smoke & Mirrors
    • Episode 3: A Crooked Mile
    • Episode 4: In Sheep's Clothing
    • Episode 5: Cry Wolf
  • The walking Dead Season One
    • Episode 1: A New Day
    • Episode 2: Starved For Help
    • Episode 3: Long Road Ahead
    • Episode 4: Around Every Corner
    • Episode 5: No Time Left

Less recent games:

Current known upcoming games:

Secret games (actually, just pulled from sale or whatever)

Topic will be upgraded with bits and parts.
In the meantime, feel free to suggest improvements to the topic, but above all, discuss Telltale's games here!

Games / FTL's Free Upcoming Expansion
« on: November 11, 2013, 04:03:36 PM »

I dub it "The Great Stockening" because of some earlier topic. ;)
Anyway, the game Faster Than Light is getting a free expansion and also is gonna be available on the iPad (the whole game and the expansion (i think))!
I found this through the Kotaku article, but they also had a link to an official source.

Short list of upcoming new stuff:
Quote from: Blogpost on the official website
We’ve been working hard over the summer and are excited to finally officially announce a free expansion, FTL: Advanced Edition! FTL: AE is a huge content addition that includes new weapons, drones, augments, systems, enemies, and more.  Here are some details on just a few of the additions visible in the trailer:

  • Mind Control System: Temporarily turn enemies into allies. Force a boarder to repair the damage they just did, or have the enemy pilot sabotage their own helm.
  • Hacking System: Lockdown and disrupt enemy systems. Unique effects for each system, ranging from forcing a teleporter remove boarders to making the medbay damage instead of heal.
  • New Sector and Events: Our writer Tom Jubert has returned along with special guest writer Chris Avellone (of Planescape fame), who managed to find some time for us between his work on Project Eternity and Wasteland 2. They’ve been helping us add a new sector and scatter new events throughout the rest of the game.
  • New Weapons and Effects: Many new weapons that take advantage of new mechanics: overcharging to increase the number of volleys, stun effects to freeze crew, and area effect targeting, to name a few.
  • And more systems, drones, augments, enemy ships, enemy layouts, and hostile environments. All of which we’ll be sure to talk about more in the coming weeks!

In addition to new content, we’ve continued to polish FTL and add some of the most requested small features. As a few examples: you’ll be able to save your crew positions and send them back to battle-stations, save and quit during combat, and find more items for purchase in stores.

For the purists out there, FTL vanilla will still be available. All of the new content can be disabled from within the hangar before starting a new game.

Discuss the greatness of FTL and it's upcoming free expansion.
As you might tell, i am excited.

Games / Tom Clancy's The Division [Coming to PC's near you!]
« on: August 21, 2013, 09:57:49 AM »

Story time:
Ubisoft first showed this game at E3 this year, saying it would be a game for the next-gen consoles only.
After E3, responding on a lot of feedback, they said: "If you want The Division on PC, show us that you want it. Start petitions, discuss why we should do it, etc."
Now they released a video in which they told us that they listened to the people, the public.
And they were happy to announce that it is coming to PC.

Okay, so what is this?
It's an online, open-world RPG experience where exploration and player-progression are essential, according to the website.
It is mostly seen as something like DayZ, but more modern/futuristic.

Story behind this crap?
Really? You want to know the story behind this?
Quote from: The Division Website
A devastating pandemic sweeps through New York City, and one by one, basic services fail. In only days, without food or water, society collapses into chaos. The Division, a classified unit of self-supported tactical agents, is activated. Leading seemingly ordinary lives among us, The Division agents are trained to operate independently of command, as all else fails.

Fighting to prevent the fall of society, the agents will find themselves caught up in an epic conspiracy, forced to combat not only the effects of a manmade virus, but also the rising threat of those behind it. When everything collapses, your mission begins.
Alright, there ya go.

No pix no clix.
Visit the website, but have these 3 for now.

Oh look, police station shootouts.



Discuss awesomeness of this game and/or your fear for how much Ubisoft is gonna forget this up.
Just like Watch Dogs i fear. :C

Hello there everyone.
Have you been using Support_RaycastingWeapons sometimes and experienced crashes or just a frozen Blockland?
Did you put your raycastWeaponRange higher then 100 and not a full 100? (Like 256)
Then hurray, as for i have had this issue too.
And i fixed it, download the fixed support script here.
Alternatively, grab the one i attached (for those with problems with mediafire or something).

I will explain how i found it and what exactly the bug was below.

I dug through my own code and then the support script's and used the trace console command to find the issue at hand:

In the support script on line 146, the while starts.
This is what Blockland is stuck on forever.
If you trace, you will see a lot of isRaycastCritical calls.

The bug itself is the fact that in the while loop, it sets the range on the remembered range (the part that was too much for the raycast (old range - 100)).
Then if the range was higher then 100, it would decrease the remembered range by 100 and set the range to 100 (the max for the raycast).
It would then look if there was something by using a raycast from begin point to the calculated endpoint.
The bug here exactly is that if the range after it is set on the remembered range can be lower then 100, however, then the remembered range will stay what it is and thus be remembered to the next while and used again as the range is being set on the remembered range.
The remembered range never reaches 0 and neither does the range.

I fixed it by putting an else after the if, that checks if the range (that was set on the remembered range), that will set the remembered range on 0.
Thereby clearing the remembered range because the range is the last bit of range it needs.

I hope this is sort of clear.
Otherwise, i am sorry, it is kind of silly and complicated, but i fixed it for you! <3

I haven't contacted Space Guy yet, i am not sure if he is still around even, so yeah, if you read this Space Guy, please PM me if there is something on your mind about this.
If there are any trouble with this patch, please post below.
Thank you! :)

Suggestions & Requests / Bot System Change Suggestion
« on: March 28, 2013, 03:36:05 PM »
I originally PM'd this to Rotondo, but he hasn't responded.
On top of that, maybe you guys have some responses too, something to add or anything.
So yeah, here it is:

Quote from: PM to Rotondo
Hey Rotondo, since you have had experience with bots (Gamemode_zombie and stuff) and hosted a server just before the update, i figure you were the brains behind most of the bot update.

First of all, i love how the whole system works and i think it is great to have this as a default thing.
However i am not writing this to just compliment you on it, i have a question.

As i studied Furling's guide as to make your own custom bots and played with it in-game, i came to the question as to why you didn't choose to make 1 bot hole brick?
Why do we have to practically waste another datablock when you could put like a bot-type dropdown on the brick's options like the weapon's one but instead with player datablocks.

As for player datablocks, of course you would have the 'problem' where people could select non-bot datablocks, but then again, spawning a default-type bot (with no default behaviour) with that datablock would work.

Then we also have some variables in the bot datablock that, in my eyes, should/could be moved to a pop-up menu that is activated with a button called "Properties" on the brick's options.
Things like:

The reason why i could see this work in a properties menu of the hole brick is because have to do with the hole brick anyway.

Off Topic / Super Spice Bros 2
« on: February 27, 2013, 03:23:17 PM »
Ever seen Super Spice Bros 64?
Well, watch it if you didn't....

That guy remade it because it reached a million views.
It got liked by the official Old Spice channel.
Might not be impressive until you notice, it is literally the only liked video by them.

Now with 100% more awesome and nonstop fastness!

Discuss the awesomeness.
Also if you don't like it, i am okay with you... Sort of...

Games / Age of Wonders III
« on: February 10, 2013, 01:58:07 PM »

Release date
Autumn 2013 (subject to change)

Trailer - Gallery - Game Information

About the game
Age of Wonders III is a fantasy strategy based game, with a mix of strategy and RPG elements.
It is being developed by the Dutch company "Triumph Studios", which might also be known for the game series "Overlord".
It is the sequel to Age of Wonders II (originally released in 2002, rereleased on Steam in 2010) from some years ago.

Brought to my attention by a tweet from Notch (Markus Person):

And this was confirmed by Triumph Studios.
So Notch helped fund the development of Age of Wonders III.

(Click to see full size)

Personal thoughts
Yes, all my yes! And secretly my babies too!

I have been a fan of this series ever since i got my hands on a demo of Age of Wonders II.
It was a dark time, i had an okay computer (hey, i could play games with it, that's cool), but no internet.
But then i found/got the collection of CD's that my father got from some computer magazines.
There were loads of games with them, but AoW2 was one of the games that really stood out.
It was quite the fun game, even for a demo!
You only had access to the tutorial and one scenario level with only access to the spells in your spellbook (instead of also skills).

I wanted to buy it eventually, but i could never find a copy, because it was already quite some time after the initial release.
So i had to do with a demo.
After some years passed, i noticed it on Steam and almost instantly bought it.
And i loved it.

But now, noticing the tweet of Notch, i couldn't believe my very own eyes...
Age of Wonders III
I am so excited right now! :DD

You are free to discuss this game and other games from the Age of Wonders serie here.
Maybe i'll make this a Age of Wonders Megathread later.
But first, celebrate the news of AoW3! :D

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