Author Topic: Net neutrality shenanigins are happening.  (Read 39042 times)

Good thing we have Pajeet as our ally

Before you guys get flustered at Corderlain, remember his solution to global warming is to just let it happen

Before you guys get flustered at Corderlain, remember his solution to global warming is to just let it happen
I'd like to know a reason but as we all know it's hard enough for him to communicate simple thoughts clearly. I guess we need to be patient with him

Ajit pai is my hero

Ajit Pai is a nerd bitch and I'm gonna take his lunch money

the fcc didn't have permission to use the harlem shake

the fcc didn't have permission to use the harlem shake


the fcc didn't have permission to use the harlem shake

the greatest of all irony

ayy lmao Francis of the Filthy

So Ted Cruz just called the majority of his populace (Nearly all democrats and a large majority of Republicans) snowflakes for wanting Net Neutrality...

Not only is he wrong (Since Verizon sued the FCC and had Net Neutrality rules removed in 2014), but 1 tweet earlier he called Net Neutrality "oppressive" and commended Ajit Pai for repealing it.

obama is the real name of the devil