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Topics - Alkatjo

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General Discussion / Block Eye Entertainment: Where did he go?
« on: January 21, 2014, 07:21:56 PM »
So a long time ago, a was browsing YouTube. I found a channel called Meutube (It used to be called Meutube or something, now its changed) or whatnot, he had a ton of Blockland animations and mini movies that I thought were cool.
Its one of those videos that actually lead me to buying this game, along with other videos back in the archives of V16,17,18 above. (I'm pretty sure all of us have seen this one time or another)

This link will take you to that video. I was honestly impressed with the animation even though it was so simple.
A couple more years and videos later, he vanishes? His channel won't load for me I just keep getting a white screen with a broken picture and outline,
even though the videos play fine when browsing via non channel.

So where did he go? And when did he leave? Will he be back? I'm eager to know.

Drama / Mr.Minecraft. Overall Stupidity.
« on: January 05, 2014, 06:10:09 PM »
I ask a simple damn question about speedkart variants, the G-kart. And then this happens.
Dude, no. That would cause arguments and people would think its cheating

Here are some of his more recent posts.
Bump, Le hue :3

^ Just why? WHY

Eh, same diff bro
Not to mention he constantly bumps this inactive clan topic (PPPS)
He's not "knew" but he's been inactive.

Suggestions & Requests / GravKarts, a speedkart varient.
« on: January 05, 2014, 05:45:02 PM »
Speedkarts that are coded like the gravity turismo.
Self explanatory really, they cling to walls/bricks.

Apparently to loving complex for anyone to do.
Even a regular.

Modification Help / Mask help.
« on: January 01, 2014, 03:09:15 AM »
Creating some masks for Blockland, I already have them modeled and exported I just need to figure out how to mount them to the center of the face.
The origin.
Is there a specific code I can use to test this?

Off Topic / What is the better choice?
« on: December 24, 2013, 11:15:42 PM »
I'm a big Star Wars fan, I have $25.00 In my steam wallet and getting more tomorrow. But for now, what should I spend it all.

* Star wars: Empire at war gold pack (Includes forces of corruption) (Action/Strategy Game) $19.99
*Star wars: Knights of the old republic (Action/adventure/rpg) (about $9.99)

Buying Empire at war leaves me with enough money to buy Faster than light, or FTL. I've seen people talking about it and it sounds really good.
Buying Kotor allows me to do that and buy another game, but I won't have the satisfaction of an extremely huge ass modding community with stuff tons of mods to spoil my game in.

What buy?

Help / Color set switching for steam.
« on: December 22, 2013, 12:56:00 PM »
How do I switch color sets for steam?

Help / Blockland-StartServer wont work.
« on: December 21, 2013, 10:24:30 PM »
Title, I get stuck at Initializing UPnP
------------------------------------------     <--(Thin line)

I've reinstalled Blockland. On Screen two its the usual "Creating server" but then it stops responding.

General Discussion / Blockland on steam? Check! But now what?
« on: December 17, 2013, 09:11:20 PM »
So we're on steam now. Pretty cool we've made it this far. From Greenlight to steam.
I'm thinking Badspot will get motivated to do more updates now that he is showering in money.
Any guesses?

Don't think I'm rushing baddy, I just want to know what is Blockland's next key focus point

Off Topic / Where are these people?
« on: December 10, 2013, 01:55:58 PM »
Diggy? Stratofortress? Mathtutor?

I believe Strat went away but I'm not sure about Diggy or Math.
Anyone know where they are/went?

Off Topic / Battlefield Project Reality? Or Arma's?
« on: November 28, 2013, 07:26:59 PM »
I've seen some pretty cool stuff with this Project Reality mod. It has a version for battlefield 2 and Arma 1&2.
I don't know which one I should get. Both mods require the games. But I have $50 in my steam wallet. What get?

I'm leaning more toward Battlefield's because arma is not loving optimized for stuff and is just clunky. Even on a well built pc. But the visual side is more amazing.

Suggestions & Requests / Chat bubbles.
« on: November 26, 2013, 11:58:59 AM »
Some times the chat bar at the top left can get crowded and cluttered with so much text that you can't see what your buddies are typing.
This is a problem on most Rps and rp like games that if you don't have the distance talk add-on, you can't really communicate.

So why not a little bubble above someone's head?

Off Topic / This is Bs.
« on: November 08, 2013, 05:32:51 PM »
Sitting here in school, listening to the teacher teach away. Out of all 35 of us I get called out to go step outside. Reason?

"You're not writing this down on a piece of paper"
Pf what? No really. I step out there and she just goes "What are you doing?"
All I can do is but reply to her in the most smart ass comment I've ever made in my life. "Wasting time in this hall, with a teacher who just told me to write stuff down about...radicles. I should be in that class learning about alg and geo but no, you interrupted my time as a student of this school, and now you're mad aren't you? You have every right to be mad but know this, I don't care. I get radicles. I know them so that's fine if you want to call my parents or send me up to main."
I got sent inside to do 3 radicle problems on the screen. All correct she sent me to the office afterwards.
I mean what the flying forget. Why? How even would she spot me in the middle of a packed ass class behind several people who are bigger in size than me?

Off Topic / Oh dear god help please these ants.
« on: November 07, 2013, 08:12:17 PM »
I look down at my floor and they're everywhere. I vacuumed the floor portion but they're originating from my closet. How the forget do I get rid of them. Please I need answers. I already put down a piece of peppermint hoping that would drive them off and I've sealed off the space under the closet. Will like rubbing alcohol or window cleaner or some stuff work on them that will wipe out their entire existence help plz :c

Off Topic / Alkatjo's silly ass question. Thinking about megathread.
« on: November 05, 2013, 09:40:00 PM »
So if you were to find a body, say roughly 3 foot taller than you. Could you...
Climb up his/her ass then sprout out of their rectum, crawl your way to the spine. Latch yourself on the spine via belt or rope. Slip your arms into their sockets above or beneath their arms and fingers. Same goes for the legs and feet. Then you poke a hole out of the chest for the mini camera and mount a headrest behind your neck.
Then you take the camera and hook it to a screen within the chest so you have vision of the outside world. Now try to get up and pow! You're controlling someone!

I know the stupidity of this question is beyond the charts but I must know. You can thank school for this...

Scientific answer please?

Edit: How about every day I go back there and ask people what they think about life until I get a silly question? Then i'll bring it here and you'll answer out of pure scientific reasoning.

Off Topic / I had the worst damn dream of my life.
« on: November 03, 2013, 10:00:44 AM »
I woke up in tears almost.

I was in my living room with some friends when one of them showed my their phone. It had the Blockland forum home page on it.
He clicked the link to the forum index and clicked add-ons. There was a topic labeled "Map mod 1.5" He clicked the link and the preview pictures were so damn beautiful I swear. There was text beneath the last picture that said "Integrated interiors and shadows + shaders, download now" beneath that was a snapshot of the slopes and it had
High res snow textures, a log cabin and snow that would clump up on the ground.
I ran to my bedroom to download the mod.

That's when I woke up. forget my dreams :/

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