Author Topic: Soft Body physiscs  (Read 1487 times)

So not sure if Torque supports this but..

in Rigs of Rods, you can crash a car into a wall and it will destroy the car according to impact / speed


I think that'd be really fun. Anyone else?

Would be awesome but probably isn't possible

that would be outrageous

I strongly approve of this suggestion.

There are very very little games that handle the vehicle physics as well as RoR, and I would have tons of fun messing with it in blockland.

That would be absolutely wonderful for amazing new gamemodes such as vehicle crashing contest's, Couldn't agree more.

Just think of Derbies, be so much fun.

Think of plane crashes

be so much fun.

Hohooh, Racing in an arena

be so much fun.

Last time I checked, the collison boxes on the vehicles can't be animated, so moving them anyway or modifying the vertices or joints that could be connected to the box or parts of it may not be possible.

Last time I checked, the collison boxes on the vehicles can't be animated, so moving them anyway or modifying the vertices or joints that could be connected to the box or parts of it may not be possible.

I don't think the crashes are animated, what it does it basically jack everything up that touches a bo-

I see what you're saying. Collision box cannot be modeled around the vehicle

Dang, I make vehicles why didn't I think of that.

Anyways, we'll see if anyone else knows.

I highly doubt it's possible, but it would be awesome.

Assuming that Badspot fixes vehicles, which is actually one of the most important updates from my point of view, this could be somewhat possible.

The best idea would be to have like 4-5 "crash shapes" in a vehicle. Because blockland isn't super realistic, there would just be a crash for:

Top crushed
Entire thing destroyed (current deadjeep)
front crushed
back crushed

and that would work fine. The car would have 3-4 nodes, and assuming that vehicle --> brick collision is fixed, then which ever node was "activated" (By a crash at a certain speed, in the same way that bouncing is currently calculated), the corresponding "crash shape" would be taken on.

Sadly, this all hinges on vehicle --> brick collision not sucking.

Go Baddy, go...!

Edit: Obviously, this is a work around. However, it is a low(er) data solution that would work without drastically changing the way that vehicles are modeled.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 11:34:00 PM by TheKhoz »

Oh dear, Do not want, please it would be annoying constantly having to fix vehicles, especially with the current handling of vehicles you would be crashing constantly.

Oh dear, Do not want, please it would be annoying constantly having to fix vehicles, especially with the current handling of vehicles you would be crashing constantly.

With prefs of on / off.

yeah i don't think this would be a good idea prefs or not

Jello car.
*door opens*
Kompressor-"badspot, I got you so-"
*drops food, stairing at the lifeless gutted body on the floor, looks up to see human organs attached to the computer.*
Komp-"The hell is thi-"