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Messages - Dephunkt

Pages: [1] 2 3
it's not me,  I promise~

Off Topic / Re: I found myself, also where did everyone go?
« on: March 23, 2024, 11:54:15 AM »
woah, dr.block changed his avatar!

Off Topic / Re: The Chronology of the Blockland Forums
« on: December 18, 2022, 04:27:23 AM »
I might be grasping here but; I think this is notable since it went on for years. Tenshi/Emo Freak earning B.O.S. after the majority of people got tired of his shtick.

tenshi - constant loveual innuendos / harassment

I was watching Lego stop motion videos on youtube and like many others I stumbled upon the "Awesome Lego House" video of someone showcasing their Blockland creation in RTB.

I remember getting really excited about this because up until this point I only knew of and played Lego Digital Designer which wasn't really what I wanted in a Lego game but it's all they had. and then there it was; everything I thought a Lego game should be and it actually existed, I purchased my key in the summer of 2007. I can definitely say it was the most significant $20 I have ever spent. 

Gallery / Re: [VIDEO] In Loving Memory of [GSF]Ghost
« on: June 26, 2022, 04:08:03 AM »
damn this is unfortunate.

his maps definitely had me hooked. I was completely unaware he was the creator of mod-terrain. to say he made his mark on this game would be an understatement, even with the limitations of V-21 he found a way to bring us back to the Blockland we grew up with.

rest easy.

kinda off topic but all this canadian trucker talk got me thinking of this

Gallery / Re: Halo 3 - Foundry Arena
« on: February 11, 2022, 01:51:37 AM »
fantastic! I fondly remember playing many custom games of "fat kid" on foundry :p

Off Topic / Re: thoughts on 2012?
« on: January 15, 2022, 07:28:44 PM »
that was me in 2012 too

i remember being disappointed and confused about not seeing the map option anymore either. But I definitely wasn't depressed, thankfully. With so many friends who still played, there was still so much to do. Not to mention what a different world that was compared to today. Can't believe that was 10 years ago now.
true. maps being removed wasn't all that bad, it just felt like a big part of what made this game so unique was gone. it definitely contributed to the sad mood I associate with that time period.

can we go back to 2012 politics when people werent so crazy :(
we can only hope :/

Off Topic / thoughts on 2012?
« on: January 01, 2022, 04:58:25 AM »
hey fellas, as we begin the new year I was thinking about what my life was like 10 years ago, being somewhat isolated and homeschooled I spent the majority of my time on the internet, playing Blockland, reading the forums, enjoying the absurdity of it all. so being an angsty/moody 14 year old at the time, Blockland was a big part of my life and the year 2012 was the first time I can recall being genuinely depressed after browsing the forums.

probably just me going through the motions but this place meant a lot to me during that time. so if you look at the first couple archived posts in the 2012 chronology we've got; Iban's house getting burned down and his cat's death, the announcement of shadows and shaders AKA no more maps, and HPRC's Self Delete.  although the Iban situation and maps being removed were very unfortunate, the death of HPRC hit me hard, I never knew him on a personal level, could only recall seeing him in-game a handful of times, the only time I can remember interacting with him we argued about Ron Paul VS John McCain.

but reading that topic about him taking his own life really saddened me. I'm not sure if it's because I hadn't given mortality much thought prior to reading that thread or what but it shocked me that someone that I knew of in this small niche community, was now dead.

shortly after this I took a decent hiatus, but ten years later, the internet aliases and personalities associated with them in the Blockland community still stick around in my thoughts.

anyone else feel the same about this period of time? probably just me reflecting while typing my sporadic ramblings.

uhh.. happy 2022!

Off Topic / Re: What do you want for Christmas?
« on: December 20, 2021, 01:51:09 AM »

christmas came early ;)

Off Topic / Re: What do you want for Christmas?
« on: November 22, 2021, 12:52:55 AM »
a garage

Hey thats me  :cookieMonster:
I'm alive and whatnot. The ol job and video games lifestyle. I don't recall your name specifically but howdy!

Yo! what's going on?? yeah I didn't make much of a lasting impression when I played, too many hiatuses :p. aren't you the guy who made that awesome ski park on Kitchen? oh and I've got this picture from way back

shout out to reformist, he built some awesome stuff.

Off Topic / Re: Car Thread v2
« on: March 12, 2021, 10:12:36 AM »
I strongly considered getting an EJ8 a few years ago, even the sedan is part of the best looking generation of civic for sure, will you be keeping the custom paint job?

General Discussion / Re: things you regret doing on blockland
« on: March 05, 2021, 10:27:32 AM »
honestly I regret not making a bigger splash in this community. it's as if I got to be a part of this really exclusive club that I could have participated in more; I just didn't. hell I didn't make a forum account until January of 2018 yet I've owned this key since I was 9 years old, purchased in July of 07'   I was always so hesitant in my early to late teens to put myself out there and god forbid look like an idiot on the internet, I shouldn't have let that possibility keep me from building a little reputation/personality around here. almost every member has a bit of a legacy, good or bad it seems like even the idiots have matured and are currently respectable members with a rich history, so I probably wouldn't have been much different.

regardless Blockland is by far my favorite game and has had a huge impact on me as a person, I've met some great friends that I've known for more than half my life at this point. even in it's derelict state I still peruse the server list, hoping to see some old faces or interesting builds. I'll browse the forums every day out of habit, reflect on my younger self and the good old days.

 I've got love and respect for anyone who has played Blockland. we're all part of an exclusive club of people that found a pretty obscure game, with an interesting community.

Off Topic / Re: Car Thread v2
« on: March 05, 2021, 02:25:12 AM »

I recently purchased this 5 speed 4 cylinder S-10 for $600, if all goes to plan; I'll be fixing it up cosmetically and dropping in a V8 this summer.

Don't let this topic die fellas :p

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