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Topics - Dusty12

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Gallery / 1920s-esque house - WIP!
« on: October 15, 2013, 02:08:08 AM »
So I hopped on earlier today and wanted to make a spooky house, so I began designing furniture. In the process I sort of went all 20s with the stuff I was making so I instead decided I was going to work on a home set in that period. For this build, I'm going to try something different - finish the interior first and then build the exterior around it so I'm not limited in what I want to do on the inside.


Joined dining room:

Leftover scraps of furniture intended for later use:

So far, I still have to do the foyer, study, and kitchen on the first floor, as well as the bedroom, bathroom, and den on the second. I have something in mind for the outside, and it should look similar to this when completed.

That's all for now, really.

Gallery / Columbia: A Modern Marvel
« on: April 03, 2013, 02:20:04 PM »
so yeah flying cities and junk. have some early pictures of crap i've built.

figure i might make it a tdm or something, vox populi vs the founders. not sure. but i love infinite's style so i might end up just building this for the heck of it.

Games / Lucius: Son of Satan
« on: October 30, 2012, 02:28:13 PM »
So, basically, you are a child who was born on June 6, 1966, and some crazy stuff went down that day. On your sixth birthday your true calling is made apparent after you are visited by a certain special someone who asks you to collect as many souls as you can for him. Your objective in this game is to brutally murder as many people as you can, then offer their souls to your father so he will grant you more powers. It's pretty fun. The gruesome deaths are oddly satisfying, if unnerving.

This is one of the few games where I actually feel bad for killing people. The butler walks by me and he's all HEY ALRIGHT IT'S MY BEST MATE LUCIUS HOW ARE YOU BUDDY and then he trips and falls and I stab him in the face with an icicle. Jeez.

Off Topic / Ruh-Roh, Mitt Romney! Scandals!
« on: October 01, 2012, 11:23:04 AM »


Play your way – Use skill points to upgrade your character to provide faster reload speed, improved firepower or increase your health bar with the Character Skill system

New threats on the rise – Confront the results of the C-virus in all its varied and deadly forms including zombies, J’avo, Chrysalids, and much more Agent Hunt Mode - In this all new online mode for the Resident Evil series, experience the action from the other side. As a ‘hunter’, join the enemy side to become one of the game’s zombies, J’avo or other C-virus mutations and infiltrate another active game session to eliminate the human characters.

Behold, the final breath of Resident Evil as Survival Horror.

Drama / Stocking
« on: September 13, 2012, 12:25:43 AM »
You're just a jealous transloveual abomination that can't stand the fact that her vagina actually functions. And isn't an inverted snake.

A freak? A joke? A disappointment?

It must be terrible to know that you'll forever be that family member that the rest just, don't talk about. An eternal embarrassment. A stain. You shame your family and make them subjects of ridicule, what respectable people could rear a young man so poorly, that he makes himself a eunuch? It's laughable almost, and it sort of makes me appreciate the things I take for granted.

I've had guys lust after me for as long as I can remember. I've fallen in love, and I've made love in more intimate ways than you are biologically incapable of experiencing. You'll never have a life like mine, even though you paid to have your body deformed and wrought into an uncanny, pitiful mockery of my natural form. You're forever going to be delegated to special interestists and the most insecure and desperate of men. Your life is over, the constant rejection and alienation you've experienced all your life will only increase tenfold in light of your operation.

The hatred you've always had for yourself will be magnified, when you find that people can no longer love something so repulsive. Soon, maybe even now, you will find yourself repulsive as well. There's no going back.

You will never be a man. You will never be a woman.

You will never matter to anybody.

There, there, Stocking, I know how terrible it must feel not only to face competition from other women, but also from women who aren't even entirely genuine. It must be a terrible blow to your self-esteem to think that someone like me, someone who doesn't even have the biological equipment, could do just as well or easily outperform you.

What are you? Let's face it, you're just a love toy with legs. You walk around with a 'Vacancy' sign flashing above your groin, and then when someone finally gets in it's like tossing a hot dog down a hallway. It's easy to blow off the men I've been in relationships with as 'desperate', but the same could easily be said of you. You're not even that pretty. You're just a free pusillanimous individual on a rusty platter, and as long as a man can stick his richard in you, you're good enough. What else do you have to go for you? Your cheery, winning personality? Your obscene lack of common courtesy, your antisocial tendencies, or perhaps your cruel, ignorant mindset? Please.

It truly must be horrible when you think about all the successful relationships I've had. Me, an abomination outperform you? Well, surely those men all must have been pathetic. Like Regulith! Surely, since he and I had a wonderful relationship, he had to have been desperate. So desperate that even when I came out to him as transgendered, he loved me enough to stay with me. Truly a terrible, weak man. I wonder if you've ever even seen such loyalty, such devotion occur? I doubt you've experienced it first-hand.

You've been reduced to flirting with a bunch of fourteen year old boys  on the internet, so I understand how insulting it must be to see a 'joke' such as I succeed in achieving friendship and romance without prostituting myself to a vast majority of men. So if insulting me and calling me a 'man', or a 'freak' will help remedy that, by all means continue to do it! Because when a transmission comes along, and she's managed to get more positive attention than you, it must really hurt. And to top it all off, she probably has bigger tits than you as well. What a travesty!

Maybe the mere image of me living happy in the future with a normal family is just that frustrating to you. Or hell, even the thought of someone lusting after me (and make no mistake, plenty of people have) is just enough to make you buttmad. I understand, really I do. You can keep insulting me all you like to feed your own self-confidence, but I'm content knowing you'll never be half the woman I am.

You're a parasite, and you seep hypocrisy and idiocy from every pore of your being. I have no idea why this forum or administration has tolerated your presence. Being a complete bitch is apparently something you get off on, considering your long history of drama.

There's nothing else to say except the fact you're a terrible human being. Whether or not you actually believe this stuff or are just trolling is irrelevant to me. Either way, it proves completely that you really are a piece of stuff. It boggles my mind how someone can actually like you, considering all you've done to innocent people here. The internet is a powerful medium and it sure must feel good to hurt other people when you can hide like a coward behind your mask of anonymity. That's perfectly fine. Maybe sometime in the future, you'll look back and realize how terrible you were. Or you'll continue being self-absorbed and egotistical.

Grow up.

Drama / /support
« on: September 12, 2012, 06:19:02 PM »
Please stop. If you have nothing worthwhile to contribute to a discussion, and you are simply quoting someone else's post, don't even bother.

Suggestions & Requests / Team Allies
« on: August 09, 2012, 05:28:09 PM »
Is there any feasible way to ally teams in the Slayer game mode? Like, say for example I don't want to VCE a class-choosing thing with a limit of '3' Space Marines to a team just so it's not the 'first click first serve'. Instead I want the auto-join and scramble to handle it and give them their own spawn where they choose weapons.

Just a way to make sure the Space Marines/Chaos Marines don't brutally slaughter their teammates.

Gallery / Black Templar Light Cruiser (ARES App - WIP)
« on: August 07, 2012, 02:30:45 PM »

Not really much to say. The design is loosely based off of

but it won't be the exact same ship entirely. All I've got going so far is the skeleton but I've made a lot of progress in the last two days or so and so I hope to have the rear of the ship lined out by the end of the day.

Gallery / The Backwater Gospel
« on: July 04, 2012, 03:07:53 AM »
So Krystal, Comr4de and I (with a little help from Tophat and Phantom Knight) are working on something in our spare time. It's a recreation (or as close as we can get) of the town featured in the creepy indie short titled 'The Backwater Gospel', which you can view at the provided link. It would be better to view this ten minute film before seeing what we've got so far. Regardless, the idea we have is to model Backwater and turn it into a little Free-For-All deathmatch where the participants take the place of the crazed townsfolk and set about, well... murdering each other. We're also hoping to have someone randomly spawn as either the Pastor or Bubba, each with their own special abilities.

Enough about that, though. This is all we have so far:


The Tramp's 'Home'

Outside the Church


"One bad apple, people. That's all it takes!"

The Undertaker's Bike and Town Well

That's all we have now but we're going to fill the path from the church with many more buildings, and most of them will have interiors (with hidden weapons) so it should make the single-life gamemode a little bit more fun. And remember: IT AIN'T GONNA BE ME!

No. I am getting really tired of explaining this to you brain dead morons but for the fifteenth time, I am not a loving furry.

1. I don't find the notion of having love with half-animals appealing

2. I don't wish to be a half-animal or anything less than a human

3. I don't like things simply because there are loving animals

I mean really, I get flak for Star Fox and BCB simply because there's animals and with you children it's always "just because" there's animals that makes me a furry. Did any of you twats stop to think that, I enjoy it not because there's animals but because there's a good plot and things like that?

I don't want to take the time to explain my mental reasoning behind what I do to you kids, nor do I believe you deserve it. I'd just appreciate it if you got off my back and stopped tossing a word around that you obviously know nothing about because by your logic anyone who likes anything that has talking or humanesque animals in it is furry, just because it has animals.

Now please, stop being dumb. plskthnx

Off Topic / So I got a letter from the People to People organization
« on: September 27, 2010, 05:26:38 PM »
It says I've been invited overseas to study in Italy, Sicily, and Greece for the summer of 2011.

But the trip costs an arm and a leg. I'd like to go and do stuff overseas, it sounds like a great experience.

Whoo for spending all day in school with my nose in books.

Off Topic / Spider
« on: September 25, 2010, 11:10:58 AM »

Off Topic / Packet Loss - I love you, Comcast.
« on: September 11, 2010, 09:34:25 PM »
Alright, this has been agitating me for a while now. My internet would be fine, an A grade line, but after a period of time it gets packet loss for no reason, upwards of 40% and rendering me unable to play games.

However, when I restart the computer, it goes away until the time period passes and it randomly starts up again.

Why does it do this? Restarting my computer is such a hassle, is there another way?

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