Author Topic: How to screw with someone on Facebook  (Read 6058 times)

Bumping for awesomeosity.

This is hilarious.

My friends will hate me now.

I tested it on my mom. I am now figuring out who to do this to next.

Hahaha, just got it on one of my friends.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2010, 11:21:43 PM by DaSord213 »


Aww you got me, how just out of curiosity?

oh nevermind, wow I'm handicapped.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2010, 11:54:40 PM by JAW959 »

This is why I don't have a Facebook.

Ha ha, I got my sister (Enholli).

I did it to my friends sister and I screwed it up. She thinks I like her now and she was texting me "I'm taken you know?" I quickly told her it was for someone else.