Author Topic: Because all guys are starfishs! Dating 101: How To Tell if a Guy is Cheating  (Read 5599 times)

So you're a selfish simple minded fool? Sounds terrible.
No, I just prefer to actually have cash.

Now, there is a difference between being selfish, and being a careless giveaway.

Now, there is a difference between being selfish, and being a careless giveaway.
Yes, and it's not a very fine line either.

stick it in her butt and pee

Seriously, this crap is handicapped. There's no reason for a girl to be that paranoid over whether or not a guy is cheating. Move on in life.

5. He becomes suspicious of you. "If he's normally a mellow type, all of a sudden he may want to know where you are all the time and with whom," says Vranich. "It's the result of him realizing that if he's cheating and it's not that hard, you might also be getting away with it." Also, beware of extremely detailed responses to even your most innocent "How was work today?" queries. He may be preparing epic answers because he's terrified of getting caught.
If [women] are checking this sort of guide, doesn't that signify they're suspicious of their partners and possibly cheating? :cookieMonster:

Ok guys, no more taking showers. You have to smell like ass all day now.

No need to point this out on the Blockland forums.

I still think the same.

Vert, Got enough for that island yet?

If [women] are checking this sort of guide, doesn't that signify they're suspicious of their partners and possibly cheating? :cookieMonster:
Remember, loveism is allowed these days. It's also allowed to fight against loveism with more loveism. (I.E. Guys are so loveist.)
So no, because females can't possibly cheat. It's geneticly impossible.

No need to point this out on the Blockland forums.
Right, for one you admitted you smell like ass all day.
Also, you should realize that not everyone is like you.

No need to point this out on the Blockland forums.

No need for you to be on the Blockland Forums.

Women have no seance of loyalty at all. It is we that should be suspecting them of cheating. Hell, they back-stab their best friends just for 5 minutes of popularity.

Don't say women. Say most/some girls.
Edit: forget I forgot loveism is allowed.

It is sad that women must feel like they know everything. Women are exactly the same as men besides their phisical features. Men invented the wheel while women where making sandwiches. It's obvious who really has the knowledge.

Right, because what happened a thousand years ago makes half the world handicapped.

Men invented the wheel while women where making sandwiches.

men also invented fire while women where making cold sandwiches.