Author Topic: list of forumers who admit they have autism  (Read 10346 times)

The op

Best movie!
I would rate 10/10, black-y wolf from homestuck.

his name is jack noided

are you trolling or..
no im asking why you contradicted yourself

It's good to know if the person to whom you are talking has an intellectual disability so you don't waste time on them. If a normal person says they didn't get my joke, maybe it wasn't that funny and I should explain it. If an autist doesn't get my joke, oh well lol, guess he'll just never get it.

i don't know if you're aware of this, but most people on the spectrum have the same intellectual capacity as you, and perhaps even better. autism is just a different way of thinking.

i'll admit it i'll admit it

i don't know if you're aware of this, but most people on the spectrum have the same intellectual capacity as you, and perhaps even better. autism is just a different way of thinking.

"serious developmental disorder"

get a grip

i don't know if you're aware of this, but most people on the spectrum have the same intellectual capacity as you, and perhaps even better. autism is just a different way of thinking.
they have a stupid way of thinking that turns people off. and social interaction has been shown by science for thousands of years to be infinitely more important than intelligence. animals in captivity that fail to socialize bite their own arms off lol but animals that are stupid but socialize as much as possible lead normal happy lives

Autism is just a different way of thinking.

Yes an impaired way of thinking.

>have a 400 IQ
>too socially handicapped to reach out and get the the resources to do anything with it

Tbh anyone who feels this sort of thread is needed obviously has some sort of 'impairment' themselves

i don't know if you're aware of this, but most people on the spectrum have the same intellectual capacity as you, and perhaps even better. autism is just a different way of thinking.
Autistic people can be smart, but can be cold and not nice to be around. That's on the antisocial spectrum. The rest are pretty much developmental disorders and will affect how you think, which is on the social spectrum. If a tard screams at you "HAI (YOUR NAME) CAN WE PLAY PLEEEASE!" then you can guess they're on the social spectrum.
High functioning is also a thing, but it barely affects you. OfficerZach still greatly shows his Asperger's for example, and nix tries to hide it. Many high functioning Asperger's children are attached to something, but not very strongly, which is why you can't detect it in most situations.
Let's not forget that diagnosing autism can be easy or hard. If you show clear signs of Asperger's then you can be diagnosed asap. If you show everything a normal boy shows, a doctor will 9/10 times say you are high functioning if your parents bothered to bring you to the doctor.

Tbh anyone who feels this sort of thread is needed obviously has some sort of 'impairment' themselves
honestly agreed. Like, what exactly has this thread accomplished other than restating that three users who admit they have autism do in fact have autism? what was the point?

honestly agreed. Like, what exactly has this thread accomplished other than restating that three users who admit they have autism do in fact have autism? what was the point?
Given how much you used to throw the term around you're one of the people I'd consider impaired