Author Topic: SMOD-Esque weapon movement  (Read 601 times)

SMOD has a really neat system where the weapon isn't locked to the center of the screen - it slides around, almost arcade-style. Would it be possible to do something similar in Blockland?

In theory it should be possible, but due to source engine having separate viewmodels for weapons/items, you would need to recreate said system in Blockland and then port the weapon to that system.

To clarify; you basically need separate models for each weapon, the world model that everyone else would see you holding and the first person view model that you would see moving, the issue would be to make the viewmodel possibly "load" in your client and have the thirdperson model hidden from you but visible to others.

But yes it should be possible, just might require some "Hacky" workarounds.
Maybe someone with experience doing this stuff could make this in at least the most basic way.

Maybe its the comfort zone preventing people from scripting something innovative?