Author Topic: why is part of this model missing in blender  (Read 2818 times)

im doing a thing and whenever i try to import the repeater gun's model into blender, the button on the back of the gun is just gone



please note that ive only just started using blender, so im super confused by everything
« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 01:17:26 AM by TableSalt »

its probably because you arent using sketchup

Someone told me that if a model was made and animated in Milkshape 3D (like the speedkarts were), certain mesh may cease to exist when importing the model with Port's DTS plugin

This might be incorrect information, but this is what i've heard after trying to import a speedkart and it having missing faces

Or maybe this
« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 02:08:52 AM by Masterlegodude »

its probably because you arent using sketchup
*laughs for 12 hours*
Someone told me that if a model was made and animated in Milkshape 3D (like the speedkarts were), certain mesh may cease to exist when importing the model with Port's DTS plugin

This might be incorrect information, but this is what i've heard after trying to import a speedkart and it having missing faces

Or maybe this

is there anything i can do about this without getting another modelling program

its probably because you arent using sketchup
i bet you buy the olympia in the first room

is there anything i can do about this without getting another modelling program
Well, aside from asking the creator for the model, not that i know of

is there anything i can do at all (not sketchup)

no sorry you're literally doomed. every time i import a model through blender and into sketchup all the faces load fine

is there anything i can do at all (not sketchup)
In this specific case? Model the nub yourself, its like 10 seconds of work it's an octogon thats been extruded and scaled a bit. PM me the .blend if you want me to do it.
In general? Maybe make a generous donation to Ports paypal idk there really isn't anything you can do except hope he adds deformation support.

In this specific case? Model the nub yourself, its like 10 seconds of work it's an octogon thats been extruded and scaled a bit. PM me the .blend if you want me to do it.
also i cant send PMs

now the button wont show any texture i put on it, its always just one color
why does blender have so many features omg

You need to uv map it, look up a tutorial.