Author Topic: Ladios's rants and stuff  (Read 3826 times)

Now I see why your avatar is a crab... O.o

I really like this video a lot and I have to agree with pretty much everything said in it.

Your music hurts my ears.

every else is good, show some good users next time :D

Epic voice.

Also, your real name is Ladios? Win.

No, it's Ben.
My online name is Ladios Metsuvaru after a character from a story of mine.

Have you got a wind filter/pop cap on your mic?

I'm hearing a lot of sloppy sounds when you open/close your mouth. I might make an audio reply if I ever get around to it. Nice video though.

reminds me of zeropunctuation, almost
That's what I was thinking of.

Ladios now needs a little partner, like ZP's Imp fellow.

Have you got a wind filter/pop cap on your mic?
It doesn't have any, its like a ps3 headset I usually use for CoD4. I might be able to ask my dad for some microphone filtering material to help the quality but I dunno how well that would work.

i had love with yo mum

If you go outside, you will be raped.