Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 605891 times)

'R y'a goin' to make that Drama about Scaredhappycoolguy (or whoever) from ROBLOX using the normal "IM A BOT!!!!"

We don't know he's from Roblox, I think he's just dumb.

I will once I manage to get my image hosting account working

Just a few hours ago I was on /pretty girl's family RP and she made almost everybody admin. I was building a house and some 6 year old idiot comes to me and says "lol ugLy hoWse 11!!!" so he frequently hit me with the destructo wand and  I say "Quit it" nex thing you know "Banned- Reason= for saying quit it"

Also, global blacklist entries are etched in stone pretty much.

Actually I've cleared the global blacklist in anticipation for the new Trench Warfare, which, unfortunately, has been delayed twice now due to me wasting large chunks of time playing Minecraft instead of working on the client/server pair, as well as the server mysteriously having gone to stuff.

one day i went on a random server called free admin (yes i was that bored) and was immediatly banned by =3 for'' ''(no reason at ALL)  :cookieMonster:

that is what admin is nowadays.

one day i went on a random server called free admin (yes i was that bored) and was immediatly banned by =3 for'' ''(no reason at ALL) 
moral of the story: never go to free admin servers ever unless you plan on terminating them  :cookieMonster:

I once got banned by Noobiom( I cant remember how to spell his name  but he was an admin on pecans server) for killing him when i was boss

I got banned for being a better combatant from Visage's server way back in v14. His admin was so mad. :)

I wasn't banned but this guy was for making that bot thing that responds to messages. It was on cat123's server

I wasn't banned but this guy was for making that bot thing that responds to messages. It was on cat123's server

I think that guy's still on my friends list on my super old roblox account from 2007 lol.
He got banned for uploading a robloxian model with boobs.
I recommended him to Blockland, he went from Fleskhjerta to FleskhJerka
He bans anyone who doesn't do what he says.

It wasn't you it was a different admin, I have forgot his name :p

I once got banned by Noobiom( I cant remember how to spell his name  but he was an admin on pecans server) for killing him when i was boss
That would be me, by the way. If you were banned you must've had some serious behavior issues on the server. I don't ban people 4noraisin.

That would be me, by the way. If you were banned you must've had some serious behavior issues on the server. I don't ban people 4noraisin.

Lol that wasn't why he was de-admined so he is legit

I forgot who the person was but it was a long time ago. I was making this little abandoned building, minding my own business. The host decided to give admin to this guy. So the host is AFK and i'm just building. The admin comes over and starts stuff with the admin wand. He starts hitting bricks and finally he just destroys the whole build. I'm pissed and I ask, "What the hell was that for?" He just says lol and then bans me from the server with some lying reason only a prick would come up with. "he press the buttons!" Which the host was making some zombie build and he couldn't let anybody touch the buttons because it would mess up the events.

God do I hate loving badmins.