Author Topic: Key Compromise  (Read 51137 times)

Not like it even matters, my actual original key was posted public anyways - whoever did this has a really low self esteem, if this is the kind of thing they stuff and giggle about LOL
Exactly. I really would like to meet the loser(s) that did this just so I can begin to understand how forgeted their life is to bring them to this point.

Exactly. I really would like to meet the loser(s) that did this just so I can begin to understand how forgeted their life is to bring them to this point.
Well... his name is Celau

What does this mean
ha ha ha bro you just got forward slash whoooshed my bro

wtf i don't read blf for like a day and all of a sudden it's like a nuke dropped

wtf i don't read blf for like a day and all of a sudden it's like a nuke dropped
welcome to the jungle

Well... At least people are playing speedkart again (keys removed for obvious reasons)
don't need it, i got the alert that someone logged onto my key from a different IP address

how much you wanna bet it was celau