Author Topic: Illuminati - Rulers of the world.  (Read 2760 times)

While watching some news about President Barack Obama's speech, my dad said I should be the president of the USA because of obvious reasons the government is doing, of course hes joking, but then he breaks into a serious talk about this group who actually runs the World.
To what he says, and what I found, its a secret group of billionairs who run the world, in choice and all. I can't sum it all up here so go and read some stuff about it.

This OP is just a jumble of information about the Illuminati, I'm sure your curiousness and thoughts will make you find more information about this. I just don't want to let this go silent, I'm wondering who else knows about this, and their points of views about this.
Its real scary shiz.

The world isn't run by elitist illuminati. It's run by bankers and the governments and corporations they support.

And the Silence is also here, controlling everything we do without us even knowing...

The world isn't run by elitist illuminati. It's run by bankers and the governments and corporations they support.
The hundreds of websites about the Illuminati says different. But Im on your side, this stuff sounds to conspericic to be real, but knowing the world and its sinister ways, it could be possible..

I am in the illuminati
Unless you were a billionair, a president, someone freakmazingly smart/power.
Your dirt.

sometimes I wonder how serious the forums can be.. Lol

inb4 topic is deleted and dill disappears forever

Your dad is handicapped. End of story.

inb4 topic is deleted and dill disappears forever
For what reason?

guys i herd tat we never relly landed on tha moonn!!!!11!!! isnt tat crazyy?????

You know this isn't real, right?