Author Topic: PSA: Please stop using port 30000 for your servers  (Read 1435 times)


There has been an increasing trend over the past few years where people have started, for whatever reason, hosting their servers on common ports, 30000 specifically. Instead of using the port 28000, a perfectly fine port, people are going out of their way to use port 30000, a more common port which has been known to be used by trojans and infectors. This leads to many medium-to-high strictness web safety filters opting to block communication to as many as a third of the servers in Blockland at times.

So this leads to my request: Please use the tried and tested port 28000 as often as possible. And if you do happen to need to host multiple servers on the same network, use more specific ports and do a quick background check on the port you are using to make sure it is not flagged to be affiliated to malicious or otherwise block-worthy applications.

After all, this way you have less chance of a potential player being restricted from accessing your server :).

For good examples of ports to use, check Greek2Me's servers. He has as many as 3 servers running at the same time with ports 28001, 28002 and 28003

Glass Hosting servers are given a range of 1000 ports free to use. There's multiple Blockland servers on each node. The user "blockland1" gets 30000-30999, "blockland2" gets 31000-31999, etc. This was also done by Kalphiter's hosting service, RTB hosting, and others.

Why not just whitelist Blockland?

Because people living in dormitories, using public connection spots or simply have a strict pre-included router "feature" that they either don't know how to or are not allowed to change don't have that possibility.

I don't understand what is wrong with 28000 and what is the rush to get away from it.

Because people living in dormitories, using public connection spots or simply have a strict pre-included router "feature" that they either don't know how to or are not allowed to change don't have that possibility.
this is true, i work for my university and we block certain ports on our network. anyone on our wifi would be limited by this

I could switch Glass Hosting to use 28000-28999 and 29000-29999 sometime in the next month or so.

Glass Hosting servers are given a range of 1000 ports free to use. There's multiple Blockland servers on each node. The user "blockland1" gets 30000-30999, "blockland2" gets 31000-31999, etc. This was also done by Kalphiter's hosting service, RTB hosting, and others.

Why give ports to people that they probably are not going to use? You could easily make it so you force the user to use one port you designated it to. Whenever a user hosts an another server he will get a port that is free and use that. Who hosts over 10 Blockland servers at the same time?

Um, woah, hold on a second. I need a second to catch up.

Are there that many servers using that port in specific?

...Oh, apparently whoever uses Glass Hosting has such a port. But what's the deal with using ports 27000-28000 instead? Just who the heck is blocking every instance of Blockland, including the standard port?

That's it, I call a conspiracy.