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Author Topic: Land of Blocks - Blockland's RPG SERVER ONLINE (Hosting again!)  (Read 51427 times)

You must equip a magic book in your inventory to use the magic spell that book lets you use. Your blockhead doesn't hold a book when you are using a magic book, instead you hold the elemental magic from the book you are using, in your hand. Books are only seen in your inventory or when dropped. There are 2 types of magic books you can get: Basic and special.

Each book has the symbol of what element it uses on the cover. The color of the book is based on the type. Brown books are basic magic books while gold books are special magic books.

Basic magic books are medium ranged elemental spells that deal little damage. The different types of elements you can get from basic magic books are: Fire, water, thunder, earth, and wind. Basic magic books can be bought from a shop or made from oak wood for the cover of the book and mineral rocks for what elemental spell it does.

Special magic books are long ranged elemental spells that deal medium damage. The different types of elements you can get from special magic books are: Fire, water, thunder, earth, wind, light, and dark. Special magic books must be crafted with golden wood for the cover of the book and very hard to mine gemstones for what elemental spell it does. Light and dark magic spells are different than regular elemental magic spells. Light and dark magic spells are status effect spells. For example, one type of light magic spell, you can heal yourself. While for one type of dark magic spell, you take someone else's health and give it to yourself.

All magic spells use mana which you must fill all the way up until you can use a magic spell. Once you fire a magic spell, your mana drains all the way down. Some magic spells regenerate faster than others, it depends on how powerful that spell is. Special magic books take longer to recharge mana than basic magic books do. When selecting a magic book to use, the mana bar automactly goes empty and you must wait until the mana bar fills all the way up until you can start to use that spell. This prevents people from spamming magic spells. Your magic level doesn't effect the mana bar at all.

You must have a certain magic level to use certain magic books, this is to prevent anyone from trading magic books and instantly be able to use them without first using simpler magic. Basic magic books require little magic level to use while special magic books require higher magic level to use.

The higher your magic level, the more of a chance of an extra powerful magic shot happening, which will be extremely rare to happen. Most of the time you will just shoot standard magic shots of that particular magic spell. Also the rarity chance of the extra powerful magic shot happening depends on the magic book you are using. More powerful magic books have way less chances of extra powerful shots than weak magic books do. Basic magic books extra powerful shots deal medium damage while special magic books extra powerful shots deal high damage.

You gain EXP for your magic level after each successful hit on a player/NPC. Special magic books give you more EXP per hit than basic magic books do. If you did a successful extra powerful magic shot hit on a player/NPC, you get a short duration timeframe of double the EXP after each successful hit during that timeframe. The double the EXP timeframe could last 20 seconds. After each level up of your magic level, the amount of EXP to get to the next level increases.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 06:01:53 PM by WALDO »

You must buy spell books from shops but before you buy one you have to reach a certain level in order to unlock a spell book, once you have bought a spell book you are able to learn the magic from the book in the process destroying the book itself.

You could shift the focus to the spells instead of the player leveling up their magic skills. You could level up spells.

You would always have the same amount of mana (100 for practical reasons) and that never changes. Spells would then use a set percentage of mana to cast instead of an arbitrary amount. More powerful spells use more mana. Mana regenerates over time and with potions. The regeneration speed is could be dependent on "magic affinity" skill or something like that. To increase this skill you need to cast spells (no need for damage(?)) that use a lot of mana at once. For example a novice level fire spell hardly increases this skill at all but a master level fire spell that uses a whole lot of mana increases the skill somewhat. This skill could be a gradual instant effect type of thing meaning if your regeneration speed is now 1.0, using a master tier spell increases the skill by 0.02 units: new regeneration speed is 1.02.

Spells could have several/three tiers (novice, advanced, master) but to keep it interesting the spells would gradually get more powerful in between these tiers and then make a small/noticeable jump once a new tier is reached. Spells level up when they are used so that they do damage or a magic book or training from a warlock or something. (A kill isn't necessary to gain xp because I think that's bullstuff and people get mad when others steal their kills. I know for a fact that there will be some people just camping around enemies waiting for others to weaken them significantly before going in for the kill.) For example a novice fire spell does 10 base damage, advanced 40 dmg, and master 70 dmg. Once you have 99.99% xp with a novice spell it would do 30 dmg, at 50% xp it does 20 dmg, 10% xp 12 dmg, and so on. (10 dmg jump at the end, 20 dmg gradual gain with xp.) When spells level up to a new tier you could make them visually and functionally different as well instead of just increasing the damage. A novice fireball for example could a rather small sphere but a master tier fireball could shoot out several spheres and the explosions could be larger.

As for spell types, elements are a safe choice but instead of making the elements just a visual change you could make them completely different from one another. Fire spells would be your main combat spells. Ice element would be mainly used for status effects like slowing down, freezing in place, or continuous damage. Earth spells would be traps. Wind spells could be used for transportation or just pushing back the enemy, perhaps even a shield or a tornado. Electricity is good for striking multiple targets in a larger area. Water could be something akin to a bullet that also pushes back the enemy, maybe something like a laser as well.

Spells aren't linked to an item, that's stupid. Anyone can own a book, it doesn't make you magical. Instead they are words learnt, similar to Skyrim Shouts. To cast a spell, simply select the spell and right click. This means you would have to remove specials, but they are basically spells on their own anyway. Perhaps make brick selection be magic. When you learn a new spell the server sends the client the data, which adds the spell to their brick hot bar/cart. Then when they use it, the client tells the server, the server checks its legit, then it fires.

When you cast a spell, it doesn't use mana or magicka, but it uses energy. Using any amount of magic drains energy which drains strength, speed, and blocking chance, but not very much. If you use even more energy, you can start to lose consciousness (black vignette), and eventually pass out (tumble), or worse; it could kill you.

Energy is regained simply by resting. Running will very slowly drain energy, but so slowly that running alone couldn't make you pass out or anything unless you ran for like an hour without stopping. When you stop, you slowly regain energy, but again very slowly. Sitting down would regain energy faster, but still, it wont let you run for a minute, then stop for a second. I can come up with numbers if you need them. The main way energy is restored is by food/water, which gives you temporary energy regeneration (somewhere around enough to run for another 10 minutes, depending on the food), or simply disconnecting, which will regain energy around three times as fast as sitting (how much energy gained would be calculated when the player rejoins, by getting the time he left and the current time, and mathing it out).

Magic is not very common, but its more of a target to reach around level 15-25. First of all, you must earn some sort of points (perhaps souls?) by killing plenty of decent leveled enemies. Perhaps animals/monsters don't have souls, or have weaker souls, but you must kill a crapton of enemies so you can use spells. This is simply so that people can't piggyback on others to get them to a place to learn a spell early on. It would not limit the player to learn spells very much, it would act as a system to stop them getting lots of spells at once, or early on. The amount of souls you have/earned isn't displayed, so you have to estimate, although you could be told in general how many you have.

Once you have enough souls, or whatever you call them, you can see a mage of some sort. You then do a quest for them, and they will reward you with teaching you a spell. Anyone can teach another player a spell they have learnt themselves, however when you do so, it makes the spell much less powerful for both of you, so it wouldn't be taken lightly. You can increase the spells power by either getting other players to share their spell with you (which would reduce their spell power, but increase yours a little), or doing certain quests that fit with the spell. Eg, a fire spell would require you to go to a volcano and maybe sacrifice something/someone. Something that isn't too bad so people prefer doing it rather than begging other players. Perhaps a boss fight, which multiple people can join in, and the loot/levels is split depending on how much damage was done to the boss per player.

As for what spells there are, probably 10 at most, as that's how many slots in your brick inventory/cart. Some suggestions for spells could be basic elemental ones: Earth, Fire, Water, Air. Defensive ones: (generic) Shield, Projectile Shield, Magic Shield. Then mental spells: Telekinesis, Telepathic, Scrying. Each spell has different effects (just like Demian's). Earth is traps, fire is generic offense (perhaps ignores armor?), water affects multiple enemies, and can push them around, and Air can suffocate enemies (or maybe something more interesting). Telekinesis allows players to activate things from a distance, allowing them to open doors from a distance, or activate levers or pick up items. Telepathic could make lower magic leveled enemies do your bidding. Simply turn on its friends would be enough. Scrying means seeing a far away place, but only places you've already seen. Perhaps make it raycast and create a camera where it hits. Could also be called television, but people would get confused XD Another suggestion that i nearly forgot about is healing. Simple enough, maybe if you aim at another player/bot it heals them, else it heals yourself.

Different spells are activated differently. For example telepathy would be continuous, and drain energy until turned off. If you fall unconscious while a continuous spell is running, it could kill you unless somebody feeds you food, or somehow else regains your consciousness. Other spells such as the shields and earth traps would be activated when in use, and would cost a little bit to set it up, and/or cost a tiny amount continuously. So if you activate shield, it would use a tiny amount of energy, then not cost anything (or very little) until someone attacks you, then it triggers, and starts to drain energy, until the enemy destroys the shield, or the spell is disabled. Other spells would just drain energy while using it, nice and simple, and would be a good first spell, as you can watch your energy, and learn how the system works.

In order for a spell to be considered successful, which is how you gain overall energy, it must either be triggered (activation spells), or simply be used at all. If your creating fire, it doesn't matter what it hits, you still are creating fire.

I have many other details in my head on how the system will work, and even how some of the code would work if you need that. If anyone finds this familiar, it is copied off the Inheritance Cycle, or the Eragon books.


How long until the update?
« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 02:44:27 PM by JMA »

Is this an abandoned server? D:

The server is back up, but I might wait until the update.

Elm tell us something. Anything!

Is it too late to submit magic system ideas?

Is it too late to submit magic system ideas?
I don't think so. Go ahead and post your idea.

Land of Blocks Version 4

Earn custom, unique avatars through quests and by donating to the Land of Blocks server.

You can sell items to shops, and other users can buy those item from the shops. The shops have set prices for items. The shops are global, so if you sell to a shop in Town A, another person can buy from the shop in Town B.

All instances of a random item will be dropped from your inventory if you die in the wild, making Player VS Player a way to get users items and it also encourages the use of banking.

New ore has been added - Coal. You're now able to make steel bars and steel weapons / tools. We've also got a new rock model.

Those are the major things that've been done. I've also fixed a lot of bugs, improved things, etc. I am still working on the magic system so feel free to give your ideas on how it should work for a chance to win the custom avatar.

I really like this server, but its much easier to kill a bunch of goblins or bandits or whatever they are called to get bronze than to mine it.