Author Topic: Marble's Supersuggestion topic (many suggestions)  (Read 704 times)

Rick Roll Nade:
if you have played garry's mod and have seen this weapon, you know what i am talking about..

A grenade
after you throw it, everyone in a radius has a gui pop up with the never gonna give you up video playing...
you have to listen to the whole song before you can close the gui and continue playing

Dear sister gun
From a skit on SNL, this gun would make the timescale to 0.2 and play "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap
After you fire, you would drop the weapon

A gui where you can download addons from rtb or another internet host to try out the add-on before you want to install it.
The gui would be accessible ingame while you are hosting a server. Everyone on the server would be required to download the add-on.
for example:
you saw this new cannon that shot alternating kittens and chickens, but you didnt want to leave the game. You could go to the overlay gui and it would download and enable itself so you could try it out.

Datablock inventory
A gui with all of the datablocks with their UI picture above their name sorted into classes
Kinda like the brick buying inventory, but with weapons, vehicles, and bots
You could do events remotely to named bricks from this gui also.

| /\_/\ |  File        Weapon_KittyChickenLauncher
|(*w*)|  Name   "Kit-chick-cannon"
|_(())_|  Author: Professor Genius
Description: A cannon like weapon that shoots alternating kittens and chickens at high velocity!

|   _    |  File        Vehicle_Jeep
|_/[\_ |  Name   "Jeep"
|o__o |  Author: Eric Hartman
Description: A drivable jeep with room for 7 people.


After you click one of the tabs, the item will spawn infront of you
You would have to delete the vehicle/bot/weapon by using a special wand
you can only spawn one thing at a time, and everything spawned, if clicked, will say "spawned by <name>"

Emitter wires
Have a tool/weapon that shot projectiles that alternated (like the portal gun) where the 2 points would be connected with an "emitter wire" selected with the gun

City Scanner
The city scanners from Half Life 2
They would be bots that floated (not sure if that is possible) and followed players around. If the players were in range, they would have a white damage flash and a camera sound would be played

Dungeon Generator
Yes, i have looked at truces, and it is amazing. I know some of the code is avaliable, but he doesnt want it packaged. I want someone to rewrite the dungeon generator and host it 24/7 for a couple of weeks.
Chests (with gold rewards)
Shops (With buyable default weapons)
Seeds (to make the generator generate the same thing 2 times if you use the same seed)
Mobs/enemies that would attack the players
more rooms

Couch brick
It looks like a couch, it has the collision box the same as one, but it is a brick

Realistic Tree Bricks
A pack of bricks that were to a scale where the player is to the tree as a human is to a real tree.
They would have branches and leafs

Building Bricks
Premade buildings in brick form, so you can place them in the background of your city

PC mod
would use logic bricks to wire the pc to its screen and a printer that would event a print plate.
You could use the pc for events + networking (server side irc)
could use the GUI downloader

Bottle brick
After it is shot by a projectile, it breaks in half for 5 seconds and makes the glass shatter sound.


Elemental Book Cover Prints
If you have seen the book brick with the 2x2 print, wouldnt you want a fire symbol or another element?

Server forum
A menu gui that would have a list of the online servers. You could comment on the server and rate it thumbs up or thumbs down. If a comment on the server was made, it would be announced to the admins if 'announce comments' is enabled in server prefs.
Each server would have the basic 'server name','host','players','maxplayers','ping','brickcount','dedicated','passworded' but there would be a new 'rating %' and 'uptime'(not as a percentage but the amount of time the server has been up)

Chain sickle
No person is cool if they dont know how to use a chain sickle.

would have a swinging animation instead of a charge weapon animation.

Admin Room
A place that spawns underneath slate for admins to teleport to with /ar
made of bricks

onGaze for bots and vehicles

OnCreate - When a vehicle or bot spawns (in one event)
OnStep - called once every 33 miliseconds
onBeginStep - called before the step starts
onEndStep - called after the step ends, right before it starts
onRender - When the brick is visible
player > ifkeyispressed [ key ] - checks if a key is being pressed
player > definedclass [ class ] - Sets the players datablock and items as a class
player > setclass [ class ] - loads a class
player > ifclass [class] ==/!= [ class ] [ 1 1 ] - checks the players class
player > levitate [ 1/0 ] - would make the player float in one place until the levitate is turned off
brick > setpaintable [ 1/0 ] - sets if a brick is paintable
brick > setbreakable [ 1/0 ] - sets if a brick is breakable
minigame > changegamemode [ dropdownlist ] - changes the minigame gamemode
minigame > changeslayergamemode [ dropdownlist ] - changes the slayer gamemode
minigame > plantbombonbrick [1-6] - plants a bomb that can be diffused by the defending team
minigame > diffusebomb [ 1-6] - diffuses a bomb (out of 6)
bot > definepath [ n/s/e/w ] - would make a bot walk north/south/east/west
vehicle > breaksbricks [ 1/0 ] - like rampaging vehicles, would tell the vehicle to break bricks or not
vehicle > damageothervehicles [ 1/0 ] - would tell the vehicle to damage other vehicles or not

Prop Candle
a small candle brick for decorating

More ideas to come...
If you could possibly make one of these, try.
Thanks for reading my word wall
« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 01:43:24 AM by MARBLE MAN »

Sounds like you should just play G-mod.

Sounds like you should just play G-mod.
i do.. that is where some of these ideas came from :P & i play blockland for my friends

Some of these suggestions are great. Better than most of the ones on here.
I especially support the Dear Sister gun,  I might try to script it later.

Some of these suggestions are great. Better than most of the ones on here.
I especially support the Dear Sister gun,  I might try to script it later.
I attached a Dear sister clip that works in music :P

I attached a Dear sister clip that works in music :P
Perfect, I didn't want to do the loop.
Also I really like the admin room,
but I would have no idea how to script it

EDIT: Sound is very low-quality, going to make my own loop.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 04:27:26 PM by A_Goat »

Also I really like the admin room,
but I would have no idea how to script it
Look at unlimited mining mod...