Author Topic: Playertype Animation Priority Troubles  (Read 2852 times)

So I'm trying to fix up my necron warrior playertype, but animations and animation priorities don't seem to be cooperating. I have root, walking animations, crouch animation, crouch walking animations, armready, activate, look left/right, look up/down, and melee animations. This is difficult to explain what is going on, but I've taken some notes:

When the animations are set to normal priorities without blend animations yet (walk animation being near the bottom), the walk animation is simply the player twitching it's foot.

When the walking animations are set above everything else, walking works fine, but you can't look side to side, activate, do the melee animations, or crouch, probably since the walking animation uses their bones.

Setting the crouch and crouch walk animations above the walk animations actually fixes crouching, but side look, activate, and melee animations still don't work when you're walking, crouching, or crouch walking.

Now this sounds like it could be fixed by making the look, activate, and melee animations blend. However, when I do that, this is what happens:

That is what the default pose looks like ingame.

The current release of the necron has the walking animation blend, but obviously that is hacky and just a quick fix (the walking animation continues on death, animations dont work when crouching, etc).

I have tried near every combination of priorities, lighting incense, hitting things, and venerating the machine god, but nothing seems to work.

Since it's half robot The walking after death thing came somewhat fit it even if you fix it....

Suggest looking at someone elses scripts for playertypes?

Frog freak (Tau empire) could HELP

You are using Blender, right? If so, then which versions of Blender and the DTS exporter are you running?

From my experience, the priorities and blending options should (USUALLY) go as follows:

>root                                  -> prio=0; blending=none
>look & headside               -> prio=1; blending=root
>standing side                   -> prio=2; blending=none; cycle
>standing forward & back  -> prio=3; blending=none; cycle
>crouch                              -> prio=4; blending=none
>crouch side                       -> prio=5; blending=none; cycle
>crouch forward & back     -> prio=6; blending=none; cycle
>jump & stand jump           -> prio=7; blending=none
>fall                                    -> prio=8; blending=none
>armReady & spear charge-> prio=9; blending=none
>attack, activate, & build    -> prio=10; blending=root
>death                               -> prio=11; blending=none; this animations MUST include keyframes for all bones. This will cause it to over-ride any and all animations

The above list is mainly a "starting point", and it will not work with all rigs/animations. I've had some cases where the movement animations had to be set higher than the attack animations for things to work smoothly. It really just takes some trial-and-error experimentation.

Hopefully this helps.

Still doesn't work. The default pose had the legs in weird positions, like in the OP picture but not as severe. I also couldn't look left and right when walking, probably since the walk animation uses the head bone. When I made the lookupdown and lookleftright animations blend, the default pose changed back to how it looks in the OP.

You know what, I think there may be another probable solution. Re-rigging the skeleton. I seem to recall having an issue with certain body parts not animating correctly/not even in the right spot with the Crysis suit before.

You know what, I think there may be another probable solution. Re-rigging the skeleton. I seem to recall having an issue with certain body parts not animating correctly/not even in the right spot with the Crysis suit before.
I duplicated the skeleton and re-parented everything, still doesn't work. Do I need to completely re-make the skeleton?

I duplicated the skeleton and re-parented everything, still doesn't work. Do I need to completely re-make the skeleton?
spooky scary

(That awkward moment when the model itself is a skeleton)

Re-rigging the model might help, yeah.

re-make all animations, too?

Do you have keyframes set for bones that you don't need? An example of this would be keyframing the head in the walking animation. This could be stopping other animations from playing.