Author Topic: Tumblr will ban all adult content on December 17th  (Read 3994 times)

Okay actually, this will kill the website.
All the artists are leaving.

The ban covers more than just NSFW content, it covers anything "questionable".
RIP I suppose.
Nah, the absolutely massive iOS userbase that Tumblr is doing this for will surely keep them afloat

Edit: Apparently Yahoo owns Tumblr and they did something like this to Geocities in the past mostly because they refuse to moderate their sites. The issue was with research bots and Yahoo's inability to filter bots from users so this is their roundabout solution to it.


well there goes sonokidos art

As a person who uses Tumblr exclusively for research...


tumblr adds itself to the list of companies that committed Self Delete in 2018

newgrounds comeback 2018

Edit: Apparently Yahoo owns Tumblr and they did something like this to Geocities in the past mostly because they refuse to moderate their sites. The issue was with research bots and Yahoo's inability to filter bots from users so this is their roundabout solution to it.
From what i've heard prior to this announcement, it's because Apple was taking Tumblr off of their app store due to mature content, so Tumblr's removing that so they can stay on their app store and keep their iOS userbase

e621 is a better alternative, but furry stuff is dominant there
e621 is a furry site

better idea keep research content ios users can just go forget theirselves

Holy stuff, and I thought YouTube was committing Insta-Self Delete.

Ironically this could have been titled:
Tumblr forgets an entire community

Death Count:

no srsly give me back my research tumblr im not going on loving rule34 or e621 or well hell waot a second can you like look up nonfurry stuff in e621 and vise versa??

 fandoms are having aneurisms as we speak

I mean, I can understand wanting to clean up the site, but this looks like they're ripping out the guts and heart of the site. No female nips? Bitch ahve you seen your own site that's literally 99% of the content