Author Topic: Non Colliding Players  (Read 469 times)


Not sure if it's possible, but the default player without collision toward any other player, but can obviously still collide with bricks and other player armors.

Iban suggested this before, it's a great idea but it requires an engine change

Iban suggested this before, it's a great idea but it requires an engine change
you forgot me lol

you forgot me lol
lots of people have requested this. he didnt just forget you he used an example.

It can be done with a new playertype, however you would also fall through the floor.

I do believe the collision masks cannot be changed through script unfortunatly.
Due to this collision is boolean: all on or 99% of it off (there does have to be some collision box no matter how small).

lots of people have requested this. he didnt just forget you he used an example.
oh, lol

Iban suggested this before, it's a great idea but it requires an engine change
alright, locking.