Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love THRUSTERRRSSSS  (Read 278723 times)

when i get this game, my goal is to have 300 satellites and probes in kerbin's orbit.

i just want to probe the stuff out of everything

what altitude is a good altitude to start building a space station

It really doesn't matter too much. 100k probably.

Assuming you mean around Kerbin.

But generally I like to keep the things I have in orbit at a lower altitude (80,000 km) so when I rendezvouses with them, I can do so using little fuel.

landing on the mun is HARD

Just bought the GAME

The Zues Space Telescope is really cool... I have it spying on Laythe.

Can't wait for intravehicular movement. If it ever comes. It's on the planned features list I think.

I need a guide for this.

It used to be easy to build a cool rocket but now there's 50000000 things to choose from :C

Behold! My space station! I ran out of ideas of what to add to it. I might download some space station mods or something :y

That feel when I finally get into orbit in the demo.
...around the sun, but hey, who cares :)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 08:04:15 AM by TheArmyGuy »

Duna is easy to land on.

You should land there.

I'm playing the demo, I only have stuffty parts, and the planet Mun (well, and Kerbal).