Author Topic: Epic Games Store discussion thread  (Read 7471 times)

Making this thread because of the rumors that Borderlands 3 will most likely be a EGS exclusive because of 2K/Take Two's relationship with with EG.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 08:48:04 AM by tikitai »

i expected this and im still disappointed. im also at a loss because i have to buy this game and not just the default edition too. i want to support gearbox so much, but i absolutely do NOT want to support 2k's decision nor the EGS

i expected this and im still disappointed. im also at a loss because i have to buy this game and not just the default edition too. i want to support gearbox so much, but i absolutely do NOT want to support 2k's decision nor the EGS
yeah im on the same boat, but thats just how it is with this beautiful developer/publisher symbiosis
theres no middle ground like that

you could always just not buy the game and support gearbox via the games theyre publishing (that also happen to not be epic exclusive lol)

Borderlands 3 will be on Steam in April of 2020

Dude they’re getting absolutley hammered on twitter
i expected this and im still disappointed. im also at a loss because i have to buy this game and not just the default edition too. i want to support gearbox so much, but i absolutely do NOT want to support 2k's decision nor the EGS
Im in the same boat

my cuz is dating a recruiter at epic games so ima get that hookup

its a pretty bold move for epic to encroach on steam's turf like this. i guess this is their aggressive marketing campaign

i think at heart steam is irreplaceable. its a service that has been going on for so long and holds a collection of your memories. a steam account is like something that's worth passing down to your kids when you're an old parent that wants to share that same experience with their kids.

while i completely understand competition to steam existing i just don't find it ethical for epic to pay off developers to force games to be exclusive on their platform for x period of time. epic is missing numerous features in comparison to it's competition (as in features that are actually useful and used by many people) as of currently and it bothers me that instead of improving their service and actually making it a viable alternative they are doing this forced exclusivity crap. consumers are being pissed because they are loyal to steam because it's a good service for them and games that were originally intended for a normal steam release are now being forced to an inferior platform in comparison, with the consumers now having to wait 6 months - 1 year for the game to be released on their platform of choice.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 07:47:55 PM by Mr Queeba »

just dropping by to say if you use the epic games store you have a tiny pp

it seems like a significant number of people are voting with their dollars in keeping egs around despite all this negative press. i feel like something more substantial than exposing the downsides of egs has to happen before theres a real shot at taking it (and the exclusives they buy) down.

if anything one should focus on the pros/cons to devs rather than pros/cons to gamers, since gamers follow the platforms the devs publish on anyways. the xbox vs playstation war ended with most people just buying both consoles, and i dont see how this will end any differently (esp considering the platforms themselves are free, so there's no real disincentive to just get it). considering that blizzard/ea have successfully kept their platforms around, theres even less reason to think the outrage against egs is going to do anything to its existence.

i think at heart steam is irreplaceable. its a service that has been going on for so long and holds a collection of your memories. a steam account is like something that's worth passing down to your kids when you're an old parent that wants to share that same experience with their kids.
steam as a monopoly has become complacent and by proxy everyone who uses steam has become complacent. this is the reason why we're starting to see more competition. steam actually set the bar with their 70/30 split and it was so powerful that both apple store and google play adopted the same split. what people don't realize is that steam was an innovation like 10 years ago but 10 years later it's apparent that there's many ways steam can improve. i think epic games is trying to become an improved steam. they only really know how to aggressively gain popularity as evident by fortnite so it really makes a lot of sense that they'll continue to be aggressive and double down with exclusives. they don't really have 10 years to spare to become a launcher superpower

epic games is setting themselves up as incredibly dev friendly and if they get devs on their side then they can effectively choke out steam by hitting the supply. a few people will probably stay with steam and try to boycott epic games but that quantity of people will slowly diminish as epic game's exclusive library becomes higher quality than steam's
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 10:59:07 PM by PhantOS »

I think competition is good, this whole exclusivity kind of rubs me the wrong way.

You should entice people to shop on your store by giving them a better place to buy things, cheaper, more features. etc.

People would have responded better if most games launched a couple bucks cheaper on epic than steam. ( This could have worked if epic made up the difference to the devs, instead of some money up front )

My main worry with all of this is we're going to get to where streaming services are now, where everything is split on so many different streaming sites.