Author Topic: [v1.2] First Person View On Death (Tumble)  (Read 13822 times)

Description: Basically when you die, you will be tumbled in first person view. (Video)

How does it work?: It overwrites the tumble function, fixing a few things, such as the respawn issue. The new tumble function has args with tumble(%object,%firstPerson). It also uses a different vehicle type using the skis' death vehicle. There are no impact sounds, of course this may be added as a separate version.

%object : What is the depending object? A player? An AIPlayer?
%firstPerson : If the client exists, this will be useful, using true (1) or false (0) to decide if the object should go in first person, otherwise, it will just use regular tumble.
There used to be a %time parameter, but it was not really used in the code.

Badspot - Having the tumble code
Visolator (Me) - Coding most of the mod

Enjoy the mod. Or not..

I do not recommend getting this mod if you are going to use any kind of corpse mods, I am unable to fix this.

(Dropbox) Direct Download Server_FPView_Death

  [Fixed] Doing tumble(%obj,1); too many times in a second will make you stuck in first person mode
  [Fixed] Sometimes you tumble in a strange place in the sky when killed (Such as when a zombie kills you)
  Removed the AI player code
  Cleaned up code

Suggested Topic:
« Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 12:31:52 PM by Advanced Bot »

Just saw the suggestion topic lol

I'm so using this for my CS_Office TDM (forced first-person playertype). Nice job.

Would this be affected by corpse mods?
NVM, it would if it tumbles the actual player.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2014, 11:42:53 PM by Who Cares99 »

add me for suggesting

« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 12:14:31 AM by Advanced Bot »

I am planning to add prefs to it so you can change the bounciness/gravity/etc. of the tumbling in first person.

I am planning to add prefs to it so you can change the bounciness/gravity/etc. of the tumbling in first person.
Thats nice but when I tested it I had SMM's corpse mod and it just makes a camera view and shows my body and they stay forever unless I shoot them in a minigame..

Thats nice but when I tested it I had SMM's corpse mod and it just makes a camera view and shows my body and they stay forever unless I shoot them in a minigame..
Yea, I guess it doesn't work with any corpse mods. I will add that in the op.

I can't fix that, I don't think there is a way, just don't use it.

Yea, I guess it doesn't work with any corpse mods. I will add that in the op.

I can't fix that, I don't think there is a way, just don't use it.
still very nice mod.

You should edit the title to show that it doesn't just edit th camera, like "First Person Tumble on Death" or something.

When zombie bots kill you it drops the cam from the sky. Also fall damage deaths make you die in third person.

When zombie bots kill you it drops the cam from the sky.
Interesting, I will take a look at that.

EDIT: Fixed that issue.

The fall damage issue, I have been aware of this issue, but I have already tried fixing that, it will sometimes work and sometimes will not work. I am not sure how to fix that.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 04:02:10 PM by Advanced Bot »

Sometimes when I die from getting shot, the screen flickers a screenshot of me getting shot before respawning me. And also, it auto respawns me too.