ussr app

Author Topic: ussr app  (Read 1651 times)

well it's a wip, but you see where it's going.  do i make it in?

10000/10!  :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster: you should get it ussr with out a problem

I like it, but it's not USSR material. :cookieMonster:


That is the best build i have ever seen!!! 100000/10

This is the second sarcastic build, but i cant help but say.... WOAH!!! 10/10 You should defently get in for that! Much better than my App

This has potential, but i think it needs more arches and some effects. :cookieMonster:

This has potential, but i think it needs more arches and some effects. :cookieMonster:
k ill think abowt it

dat must lag liek hel!!!1 :panda:

watr is teh brick kount??1/ajd