Author Topic: I think i just caught my dad masturbating  (Read 7008 times)

I just left home for an hour walk to fetch his umbrella from my moms house, meaning that my dad was the only one home during that hour. I left the house at like 13:58 after i called a friend to hang out, but he couldn't so i went to fetch the umbrella instead.

When i came back i noticed that there was a tab open on chrome for something called "Spanking tube". I closed it immediately cause at first i thought it was something i had opened unnoticed from clicking a link. Then i opened search history on chrome to delete it, and then there were like 20 searches for it. The first one was timestamped at 14:15.

What's weird about it is that he usually uses internet explorer instead of chrome.

your dad has good taste

you're not helping me cope with this

Are you sure you should be even touching the computer if he did?

Are you sure you should be even touching the computer if he did?
I wiped the keyboard with a piece of toiletpaper after i saw the search history. There was nothing visibly on it, but just in case.

Grab your richard, place your hand on the keyboard.
Do you notice anything on the keyboard? No, but your richard is all over it.

And if you are touching now, your dads richard is touching yours because you touched the keyboard then touched your richard.

I might be high right now.

Everyone has to get some sort of action.

one time I went out to the garage to get a soda
and my dad was asleep and I happened to glimpse his laptop monitor and there was research
i was just like "ok"

you shouldve checked to see what he was watching
your dad has good taste

you should've found your dad and joined in

you should've found your dad and joined in
"Let's race!"

"Let's race!"
oh god lol.

anyways, if your parents are divorced which it sounds like they are, then its not that much of a problem. But if they are still together then I highly suggest that you talk to him about it. Its not right for a man to cheat on his wife like that.

"Let's race!"
i found this much more amusing than i should've

Its not right for a man to cheat on his wife like that.
are you serious
you can't cheat on someone with your own loving hand