Author Topic: script that damages vehicles while they're in water  (Read 784 times)


I know a version of this exists where it automatically kills vehicles that enter water and if you have a link please give it to me but in the long term I'd like a script that quickly damages vehicles that enter water that actually works


It's built into speedkart. Shouldn't be hard to do.

wouldnt this conflict with boat vehicles
if so
why not create a vehicle damage whitelist

my server's not using boat vehicles

if someone's making this I need it ASAP
it needs to kill vehicles though, not players

i believe this already exists

by default it does 5 damage every 500ms to vehicles in water and you can adjust the tick rate with $DrowningVehicles::Rate
the dev seems to have forgotten to prefix the variable with $Pref:: though so if you do not have a preference manger the variable will be reset on server restart
however it should be super easy to manually change if needed, on line 11 of server.cs change $DrowningVehicles::Rate = 500; to whatever number you want it at

okay I would've said that it wasn't working but it only works in minigame apparently

problem is now that it drains at a minimum of 100ms ticks and I want it to drain faster

nvm it's actually alright

thanks, locking