Author Topic: Filipe1020's Vehicles Topic - Closed (see page 173)  (Read 251210 times)

On the page I got to these photos from, you said you use a vehicle drop mod which can bypass the vehicle limit. Can I have a link to that? I have been earching for it for a long time.  Thanks.
Uh no I don't use that

Ah! One of my first favourite cars when I used to play Grand Turismo 3 as like... 5 years old... It was a bit tricky to get though.
OT: Why on hold?

I've been praticing with this new volks model I'm working on

Comparing to the previous model

I'm inspired to recreate my first cars, the volks was used in a bunch of servers, expect custom support and all of those new features on it too, and if blockland will ever get steam workshop support, they will be released there, also on BAM if it ever gets finished
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 05:39:53 PM by Filipe »

Oh--my god, that is beautiful

I have more of the new volks

Muy bien (Very good)! Got the back?

"10/10 perfection to the max" - Jakob

Here is the 3D model if you want to take a look

Volks (View in 3D)

Also here is an evolution of the Volks, this car had 3 different models

1st version

2nd version

and the new one
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 12:38:08 AM by Filipe »

Excited for this to come out. Lookin really great!

My goodness, [and i'm not kidding] this is one of the best blockland cars i've ever seen!