


Author Topic: do you sneeze when you look at the sun  (Read 2893 times)

I asked my dad about this 10+ years ago; he said that just the act of looking up expands your nasal passageways and can lead to sneezing. no joke i felt a tickle in my nose while writing this post: looked up snd sneezed twice. although my room is dark

hey wow thanks for gold fellow redditor

It's photic sneeze reflex
This is really interesting

I've always sneezed the first time I go out into the sun but never known why until now

I don't have a son.

this would be a funny joke if this wasn't a text forum

< believing the moon landing was real
< believing the moon is real
< believing the sun is real

no but when i look at the sun for long enough it turns purple

i hope thats not a bad thing

i can look at the sun for like 3 minutes straight
send help
no wonder my visions so stuffty lol

try to go for 5 minutes next time

thats some pusillanimous individual stuff. real brothers push their eyes in until all you see is kaleidiscope colors