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Messages - IsaacKronenFaust

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 301
I think that was just a sleeper activation phrase


I just...

Laputan Machine.

Off Topic / Re: what does bbg mean [POLL]
« on: November 08, 2016, 07:40:50 PM »
Big Boss's Guns

XKCD? Instead of Giant Meteor 2016, make Relativistic Baseball 2016.

Some interesting statistics coming in

Here are some states that appeared on top 10 lists for lowest income, highest unemployment, "worst educated", highest poverty, and highest obesity:

Are there any lists counting which states have the most banjo players and boomstick shooters?

Off Topic / Re: Can someone please explain microaggressions to me?
« on: November 06, 2016, 03:42:52 PM »

alright now that we've got that over with, I also wanna bring attention to the fact that UCSC apparently has literally the cutest mascot ever

Shouldn't the glasses be for his eye stalks?

Off Topic / Re: Furry Megathread - Furry Things Here
« on: November 06, 2016, 01:03:18 AM »
Motherforgeter forgeter.

Off Topic / Re: Furry Megathread - Furry Things Here
« on: November 06, 2016, 12:34:17 AM »
Does anyone cosplay Asgore?

I think that little hunk of wood could get picked up off the ground, if the nails would even get into the tire and not just flattened.

Off Topic / Re: Anybody else in southern USA having issues with Asps?
« on: November 03, 2016, 02:11:19 AM »
Isn't an Asp also a kind of Snake?

Why are Clinton campaign ads against Annoying Orange so loving weak? I just saw one earlier during the World Series game, and they're so often going after his use of profanity and temper, hardly ever anything important. I don't think I've EVER seen or heard an ad attacking his comments on the Geneva Conventions or about killing family members of terrorists or torture, or about his denial of climate change, his desire to get rid of the FDA and EPA, and wanting to get us out of the Paris Agreement.

Probably hardly anybody, not even me, cares about Annoying Orange's foul mouth or explosive mannerism, and it's definitely not going to dissuade Annoying Orange voters at all because they like him for not acting like a standard politician, and also for not being concerned with political correctness. Those two things are a big part of why he beat the other Republican candidates.

Games / Re: Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas
« on: November 02, 2016, 02:41:51 AM »
I played both Fallout 3 and New Vegas on PC and Xbox 360, consistently the former on both platforms had a ton more stability, even during the early days of Fallout 3's release before any DLC came out. I never experienced even half of the same number of hair-pulling moments like in New Vegas. The newest patch for New Vegas doesn't stop certain characters from vanishing from the game, doesn't lessen the infinite loading screens or interior/exterior transition crashes, and I still frequently see my character's shoulders and gun go above my head when I crouch, just to name a few things that I glaringly remember.

Now, I WILL say that New Vegas took a lot of things in good directions; I liked the reputation system and factions, I liked being able to fabricate a variety of ammunition and weapon modifications, I do believe the character and story writing was superior, the greater number of possible outcomes upon finishing the game, and lots of other things. In most aspects such as these, New Vegas was way cooler, but I couldn't really stand to play it again after just my second playthrough due to frequent crashes and other bugs. Fallout 3, I think I comfortably played it four times with different sorts of characters, once on PC and three on Xbox 360, before I had enough, simply due to pretty much exhausting my ability to find and experience new things.

But since you're gonna play on PC, there are options for mods and unofficial patches that might be able to remedy a lot of those problems. And if no fanmade patches do, if you don't mind 'cheating', you could solve some problems like for missing characters with console commands. If you get New Vegas, hopefully somehow you can avoid the problems I had and have a lot more fun with it.

My Xbox LIVE profile, where you can find my Achievements in New Vegas and Fallout 3: (My Xbox 360's hard drive broke a couple years ago and I haven't played since then, so don't add me on here)
My Achievements and game time on Steam for New Vegas:
I had Fallout 3 on a game disc before Steam, so I don't actually have PC stats for that.

Off Topic / Re:
« on: November 02, 2016, 01:05:12 AM »
How are all of your getting those California measures and proposition things? I don't see that anywhere on the site, and the 2016 Presidential quiz hasn't changed in any way that I can see since last time I took it.

Actually, I just signed up for the site and I got the "My local ballot issues" section added to the poll. Guess I'll have to retake it again since I didn't have an account on ISideWith last time.

Off Topic / Re:
« on: November 01, 2016, 09:13:06 PM »
I took this thing a while back in another thread, see my results at the bottom of this album, if you want you can also view my entire input on all questions, go here to see images.

Off Topic / Re: Furry Megathread - Furry Things Here
« on: November 01, 2016, 03:35:11 AM »

On phone, so I'll just say it's by Solaxe on Fur Affinity.

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