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Topics - lord techno

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Forum Games / Welcome to the Salty Spitoon
« on: July 09, 2015, 07:25:37 PM »
Welcome to the Salty Spitoon, how tough are ya?

The goal of this game is to gain access to the Salty Spitoon.

In order to play, submit your character in the comments, it must include an image, and the name, extra info may be included at your own discretion.

When the game begins, characters will enter the "line" and go one by one up to Reg. Which is the Primary Antagonist of the Game.

Reg is the only enemy you will encounter, but he is also the strongest, having a huge amount of HP.

When you go up to reg, you must present "what makes you tough". Your responses will affect his mood, if you fail to impress him, he will attack you.

When he attacks you, your character will deal a certain level of damage against reg based on its level, you gain a level every time you successfully enter the salty spitoon. However, there is a chance reg will Hospitalize your character, forcing them to sit out the next round. Hospitilization is determined by a random number generator.

When all characters have either entered the salty spitoon, or been hospitalized, and none remain, the day will end. All characters who gained entry will then gain a level. This will increase their health and damage against reg. Including granting them new abilities. The round then ends, and the next round begins. On the following round, characters who recently gained entry will have to get through reg again.

The game ends when reg is finally hospitalized. To do this, you must drop reg to 0 HP. Afterwards, the next game will begin, and reg will return as a higher level reg. Increasing his health and damage, aswell as making it harder to get inside the salty spitoon successfully.

The game will also end if all players become hospitalized. Because there will be no characters to finish the game with a level up, which will reset the game back to the original level with reg at his lowest strength.

If a player successfully gets reg to his acceptance mood, entrance will be granted. This is achieved by giving a tough but believeable story.

if a players toughness comment is not acceptable, reg will enter his questionable mood.

If a player fails to impress reg, or gives a very unbelieveable story, he will enter his angry state, you only have one chance to take him out of it, to do so, you must try to convince reg you are tough, but its difficult at this stage, if you succeed, he will enter his questionable state again. If you fail, he will attack you.

This cycle will continue untill the game ends.

Submit characters or comments into the comments section.

Forum Games / The Adventures of BONK BOY!
« on: June 28, 2015, 01:45:08 AM »
DATE: Something/Something/Something

???: Ugh...When are they going to get here?

Agent Soldier: You have the Box?

Informant: Yes, right here.

???: Now's your chance! Go!

???: Pardon Me!

Informant: What?

Informant: AAAAAHH!!

???: Sweet!

???: Let us move!

You watch as the two henchmen leave in their truck

You are Bonk Boy! The Fastest Thing Alive! The ultimate superhero!

In this adventure, you have total freedom, you are an independant superhero, so nobody can tell you what to do, but beware, your choices affect the world around you, and you CAN die. What do you do right now?

Forum Games / Heavies Amazing Adventure [THE END]
« on: June 03, 2015, 03:57:41 AM »
Yes, i know i attempted this, but rather then waste the effort of making a new story, lets just bring back the old story everyone loved, where were we, oh yes. We were about to forget up foxy, here is the last post from previous.

This project i will focus on more then Team TD 2, but that will get its fair share of focus.

You proceed to call the elevator

You hear it coming.

Foxy: What the forget?!

You: Another one?!

You: I'm going to kill you. And kill you. And kill you!

Battle Begins


HP: 100/100


HP: 250/250

Your Movelist
  • Pootis Punch
  • Pootis Pound
  • Pootis Barrage
  • Sandvich
  • Son Summon
  • Minispy (Causes Random stuff to Happen. Use at your own risk)
    • Pootis Apocalypse (Can only be used when Pootis Power is Full)

      Im aware of the past comments from the old thread, so i will update ASAP, feel free to rejoice if you want or just be silent weirdo's

Forum Games / Team TD 2 [Flying Phlog Jetpacks, we're forgeted]
« on: June 03, 2015, 03:48:17 AM »
Since i can use GMOD again, i've decided to bring back the one forum project everyone seemed to like. Team TD 2!

In order to make room for schedueling, and to ensure i have plenty of time to stay entertained, i will only be doing one to two waves a day, i will update any pre-wave updates, but that's it.

-50 Metal

Note that defensive spy-towers are a whole new tower all on their own, and are chosen if the intentions for a spy tower are for that reason. They take up no current slot and move on their own.

Start Wave?

This is where we left off. If anyone remembers, lets make sure this never dies again. Ill get the wave in by tomorrow, for now, feel free to flood comments of happiness at its return or whatever you want. (This means you redconer, ze operator, snaked, and cloudworkx and everyone else who liked it)

Forum Games / Heavies Amazing Adventure: REBORN
« on: May 08, 2015, 02:54:56 PM »
Thats right, i have recreated the amazing adventure of hoovy! I discovered as long as i use gmod in a windowed mode, it doesnt affect anything, so the series is being recreated using custom posing which i will do my very best to make as realistic as possible, and at the same time, we're going to make this adventure much much more stupid. So lets begin!

One day, at the BLU Process Base.

Engineer: What a cute little Sandvich...

Soldier: Scout! Give me your hat! Or i am going to pull a rabbit out of your ass!
Scout: No!

Demoman: Aye...I love ya man...
Medic: Schvienhoonts...

This is you.

"I am Heavy Weapons Guy."

"And this....Is my hat!"

Soldier: That is not a hat! That is an excuse to kick your ass!
Scout: Your Hat Sucks!
Engineer: Boy, i've seen hats look better on pack mules.
Demoman: Go ahead and wear more! I'll shove every one of them up your ass!
Medic: You are Ugly!

These players hate you for your hat. What do you do?

Forum Games / Internet Surfer [1 Down, 28 to Go]
« on: April 15, 2015, 12:44:07 PM »
Internet Surfer

The internet is a vast place, a region so large it could compare to the galaxy itself.

It is full of great knowlege, and power. But for every good, there is a bad.

Hackers, Scammers, Trolls, Viruses, Bugs, and all kinds of dangerous things lie in the internet.

Every year, one person is selected to be sent into the internet to combat the great evil.

This year. YOU have been selected.

This is You.

You were always the nerdy type, you love computers, and you especially love steam.

You pray to gaben every night to be blessed with new steam sales, and he would always comply. But you never could have suspected the evil that could corrupt steam.

Before we can begin the adventure. We must decide a few things about yourself.

What is your Name?

(comments on my work appreciated, and yes. I know his head is big. Deal with it XD)

Forum Games / Project Decision [WINNER]
« on: April 13, 2015, 12:44:00 PM »
The Winner is: Internet Surfer

General Discussion / 4kids chan? what happened to the textures?
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:29:09 AM »
holy stuff, what just happened to the textures. Why is it 4kids chan. BLF just changed.

Forum Games / Team TD 2
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:24:24 PM »

Welcome to Team Tower Defense 2.

Team TD 2 is similar to a Tower Defense game, but taken to the next step of customization and imagination.

Are you ready to play? Ask any questions you want in the comments if you want some info, though most of the game is covered in a tutorial.

Forum Games / Story of a Puppet
« on: March 08, 2015, 10:58:51 PM »
It has been 29 Years since Freddy Fazbears Pizza Closed its Doors. You managed to Escape that Prison, going about your own paranormal business, searching for the man who started all of this, murdering adults and turning them into your Animatronic Puppets, born to bend to your will and whim, to do as you command until the day they fall apart. However, modern day authorities never stopped trying to catch you, your efforts becoming exceedingly more difficult. And your animatronic slaves were constantly wiped out before any real damage could be done.

It was not until you were confronted by the SCP Foundation, that your freedom had ended. You were taken in and forced into slavery as an SCP, which appears to be what they refer to you as, or more directly, SCP-Undefined.

You have been tested on for months, countless humans have been sent into your chamber, only for you to kill them and turn them into a slave, only for that slave to be destroyed and dismantled. It has been a nightmarish cycle. The worst of it, is one particular scientist, you do not know his name, but you severely hate him, as he is the one who controls all of your testing. You swear to yourself that you will escape one day. To find the man who caused all of this, and put the souls that were sent into eternal suffering at peace. And today could be that day.


You are alone in your cell, with guards watching it 24/7, you typically keep to yourself, never interacting with anyone unless they enter your cell

Except...With one particular scientist.

You hear a tapping on the glass of your chamber.

???: Ah, there you are SCP-Undefined.

???: How are we doing today?

In the blink of an eye, you slam into the glass, giving a terrifying scream in his face. -The Scream, it is recommended you turn your volume down before clicking.

???: AH!

???: Well...*clears throat*...If your going to be like that...

???: Let the experiments begin...

It seems like you will never get out of here...Especially not with the guards present...

You hear some chattering outside the cell.

Two of the Guards are conversing.

You also hear some playful noises.

One of the guards is playing with little Fallout 3 toys. Which is odd since he is a guard.

You sit down, going silent and nearly motionless, entering a state of deep thought. There MUST be a way out of here...But how...?

How could the Puppet Escape his Cell?

Forum Games / PootisLand Political Adventure
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:24:30 PM »
This topic comes from my other adventure, Heavies Amazing Adventure. Go check it out.

Ahh...Pootisland, the city where anything can happen. Small, but can become something great.

You are left shark, mayor of PootisLand, and your entrusted by heavy to ensure pootisland grows into the greatest city that ever lived. How will you begin your trek to awesomeness? control your city and bring it to glory!

What do you do?

Forum Games / BLF Plays FTL: Captains Edition [Project Retired]
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:23:16 PM »

Note that i have not unlocked all ships and ship types, i apologise.

Choose a ship and ship type. Details on ship will be provided upon choice.

Forum Games / Heavy's Amazing Adventure [Apologetic Ending]
« on: February 27, 2015, 08:03:16 PM »
Go to PootisLand Political Adventure to Help Left Shark run and manage PootisLand. Make sure to read ahead to PootisLands Creation first.

You are heavy. You are on top of a skyscraper, and VERY bored.

Infront of you is your sandvich, sasha, and your extremely life-like, life-sized spy action figure.

What do you do?

Forum Games / Soviet Fortress 2: WEAPONS
« on: February 22, 2015, 01:57:30 AM »
Welcome to Soviet Fortress 2, where everything is backwards!

How to Submit: Go to this site

Input the Information as Detailed for your own weapon.

Use an image cutting software, most windows platforms have a snipping tool, and use it to cut out the image.

Post it on imgur, and use the link to post it here. You may use any image site, but imgur is the most reliable.


(apologies for it using the escape plan, but its the only picture that was available for a pickaxe)

Let us Begin. Have Fun :D


To fit to the theme of soviet fortress, i would suggest that you take a weapons stats, and make them backwards. However, feel free to make any weapon you desire, as long as the general outlook is backwards stats.


The weapons shown here may be used in a planned collab i have for these forums. which is obviously Soviet Fortress 2. Your weapon may be showcased in it.

Forum Games / BLF Plays BRUTAL DOOM
« on: February 19, 2015, 01:17:09 AM »

Excessive Gore, Violence, And Death Ahead.

Chapter 1: Knee-Deep in The Dead
You are choosing the difficulty that will be used for the entire playthrough, no changing between chapters.

(Aka the Difficulty for rooster-Sucking Pussies)
Enemy Numbers are the same as Full Ultra Violence, but you receive barely any damage at all.

Enemy Numbers are Much Smaller, and Damage Taken is Lowered Considerably.

Enemy Numbers are Normal, and Damage Taken is normal.

Full Ultra Violence
Enemy Numbers are Increased, and Damage Taken is increased.

I Am Super Bad
Enemy Numbers are the same as Full Ultra Violence, but enemies deal 50% more Damage.

12 In a 10 Point Scale of Bad
Enemy Numbers are the Same as Full Ultra Violence, but Enemies move Twice as Fast.

Black Metal
Enemy Numbers are the Same as Full Ultra Violence, but Enemies move Twice as Fast, AND deal 50% More Damage.

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