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Author Topic: Post 3D models here!  (Read 72237 times)

Hey Geek, ever tried using iRender?
I'd really like to see some of your models rendered :D

Actually, the satellite dish was rendered using Kerkythea. Here's another one which really shows off some ray-tracing features.

Wow... intense.
Can Kerkythea be used as a plugin for Sketch or is it one of those external renderer's?

Wow... intense.
Can Kerkythea be used as a plugin for Sketch or is it one of those external renderer's?

It's a stand-alone renderer, but there's a plugin for SketchUp which links SU materials with KT materials and adds new light components.

Hm, too complicated for me, thanks anyway.
Look forward to seeing more of your stuff.

I made two models for a server, which the models are my first models done in milkshape.

Rubiks Cube :D

Geek do it please, then do Gcombat  :cookieMonster:

Gcombat, stuff which blows other stuff up in Gmod.

Oh, I only do the models. I wouldn't touch torquescript with a bargepole.

My Sketchup is borked :(

Hey Geek, ever tried using iRender?
I'd really like to see some of your models rendered :D

Actually, the satellite dish was rendered using Kerkythea. Here's another one which really shows off some ray-tracing features.

Do want raft as vehicle.
But apparently nobody's done a water vehicle script or anything. Floating vehicles would be awesome :cookieMonster:

Also depending on how V9's events come along it'd be nice to have those wiremod components just so we can make stuff look like circuitry a bit. :D

No wiremod components pls.

My Blocko Style Models.

Thompson-Style Gun



Non-Blocko Models.

Stick Grenade

« Last Edit: April 11, 2008, 09:39:48 PM by Antallion »

I made the model, and the texture is WIP.