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Topics - Unisoul

Pages: [1]
AoT General / Chocobos
« on: July 12, 2006, 11:19:53 PM »
Screw Horses! I want Chocobos!

AoT General / Why I dont want to play AOT
« on: July 09, 2006, 11:29:53 PM »
Hey, Im Unisoul. Most of you don't know me because I left [Playing AOT] along time ago. Here are some reasons.

1.Player Killing:
Now, don't get me wrong,I don't mind being killed in the wilderness, but..... I hate it when a noob sneaks up from behind, kills you, then starts bragging about how amazing and powerful he/she is. Felix showed alot of this kind of behavior.

2.Too much talking, not enough listening:
For instance: You'll say something, like a question, a request, ect. and 5 second later a new stupid conversation about Britney Spears, how How someone got 100 k, or how hot Kitty (Who's Kitty?) is wil pop up. Often I will have to ask my question several times before I can even have it read.

3.Player Fame
This is sort of the same as complaint No. 2. I will be talking to someone when someone (supposedly) famous logs on. Most of the time my conversation will be dropped and the person will immediatley start talking to the famous player.

I'll have a farm and it will get destroyed. Pretty basic

SO, I was Wondering, are any of these annoyances are still around? Please tell me if any of these things still happen

Thankyou and may the :nes: be with you.


AoT General / Pay Accounts?
« on: April 20, 2006, 08:10:52 PM »
Badspot said something about pay accounts yesterday. Two questions:

How much?

Is it monthly?

AoT General / Instead of males, what if.....
« on: April 18, 2006, 11:23:10 PM »
Ok, this is goin' to be hard to explain. Instead of males, what if, in the "general" menu of the character creation, when you press "male" on the gender slot, your model is an orc. Yeah, an orc. The only changable thing would be your color. I.E. Warrior orc to dynamite orc. When you pull out a weapon, it would be there, you just couldn't see it. Meaning the model would always be stuck in the "Idle" position, but the weapon would function. It wouldn't be terribly complicated. Just something to get the newbies to stop naggin' Badspot about males for a while.

P.S. Nothing about the profile would change, it would function like a normal account, the model would just be the same as an orc. Is this possible?

AoT General / Problem With Dynamite
« on: April 17, 2006, 12:23:10 AM »
I think dynamite should be banned in Port Town, Starboard, Ect. Because Ytud + freinds are always blowing people up (including me) and it gets annoying when your trying to deposit money.

AoT Clan Discussion / Tips for starting clans
« on: April 16, 2006, 11:00:44 PM »
Tip 1:Loyalty

If you are going to start a clan, make sure you have loyal members. Don't accept someone until they've logged on once or twice, and has proved loyalty to your group.

Tip 2:Time Zones

Make sure your clan has the correct time zones. I can't count how many times clans have fallen through because no one is on at the same time.

Tip 3:Start simple!

Latley I've seen alot of clans having "Ranks" and positions. This is a BAD way to start a clan. You will lose lots of peoples intrest because of complicated rules and regulations.

Tip 4:Be Responsible

If you are going to start a clan, make sure you have the responsibility to take care of your clan and keep it organized. The last thing you want is a bunch of un-organized maniacs running around acting noobish in the name of your clan.

Tip 5:Make your members feel special

This is probably the most important part of a clan. This rule is essential for making, and keeping clan members. This basically means give you members something that other clans don't. I.E. Dye mining tuesday or Fiber friday. Also treat your members with respect. Don't yell at them for being late to a clan meeting or a clan event.

Tip 6:Banning people

Don't ban people unless they have made a DIRECT violation of the rules.

Signed: A Port Town Water Solider

AKA Unisoul

AoT General / Face Implant
« on: December 14, 2005, 11:25:02 PM »
Yah know what'd be cool?  A face implant.  Like, you get a pitcure of yourself, edit out the head,  then put it on to a program,  the program would start up, send the face as like "(account name)" ", or whatever,  to badspots sever,  so you could have your face on your account. The only creepy thing is, that if you were a boy, you'd have boobs.

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