Author Topic: Fear of death  (Read 2716 times)

I usually don't make very personal topics like this, but I legit have something that has been bothering me so much on the last few months that it's becoming a massive issue to me.

We all know we'll die someday, it's a natural process and some people get to believe that there will be an afterlife/restart as a new person or animal/nothing, that's fine and everyone should believe on what they want, but lately after I lay down on the bed and I turn off the lights, I get this huge fear of death, that one day I'll not be around anymore and this thought is becoming a serious issue to me, I waste hours rolling around on the bed trying to get some sleep but I keep panicking about it, this often happens before I go to sleep, but it's starting to happen when I hear people talking about subjects related to death, this is bothering so much and I don't know what I should do to ease my head from this.

I've had that problem years ago when I was a young teenager, I cried so many times, and after that I've spent a long time not even thinking about it, now out of sudden this fear came back, and I'm afraid that it will ruin my sleep if it keeps going the way it is, I've been wondering if anyone felt this before or it currently does, and what do you guys do to relax from all of this, this is a serious topic to me.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2017, 07:01:18 AM by Filipe »

so? what's exactly is scary about death, other than dying in a painful/slow way?

so? what's exactly is scary about death, other than dying in a painful/slow way?
My fear is not exactely related to what way I will die, but the fact that I WILL die someday, it's innevitable and I cannot escape it.

you're young enough to probably be around for when we develop anti-aging stuff

think of a method for immortality and then pursue it

maybe if you believe everything is the matrix you can pretend you'll never die

i ain't suicidal but im a lot less afraid of death than the average joe---less out of self loathing but rather from the fact that literally nothing comes out of the fear of death. you live a lot more without worrying about what comes next

anyways anti-aging technology is actually pretty stunningly advanced at this point so there's that to add onto it

only death-related thing im afraid is everyone but me dying. i feel like that would be infinitely worse than dying myself since i couldn't bring myself to bite the bullet at that point
« Last Edit: December 12, 2017, 11:09:54 PM by Drydess »

i really want to experience what it's like to die but i don't want to die just yet. maybe about 70 years from now or so
i'm deathly afraid of dying from things that i can't control 'cause i got stuff to do
« Last Edit: December 12, 2017, 11:07:11 PM by Daswiruch »

become death, destroyer of worlds.

if you cant beat em, join em

become death rather than succumb to death

think of a method for immortality and then pursue it
This is fantastic advice

This is fantastic advice
just watch filipe is going to bring in the age of immortality

kill people and add their life force to your own

Most people who almost die say they experience a level of peace and a sort of "ah, well, this is it" mood comes over them, so I guess you can at least look forward to that aspect

Most people who almost die say they experience a level of peace and a sort of "ah, well, this is it" mood comes over them, so I guess you can at least look forward to that aspect
i say its more like their brain shuts down and their 'peace' is more like when you're way too drowsy and you fall asleep except in that case being asleep is just being dead

get bit by a vampire op