Author Topic: Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis  (Read 1492 times)


This was, in my opinion, one of the best theme-park games ever. Basically, you would create a park like in the first Jurassic Park movie, only with more dinosaurs. You could also fly helicopters, perform rescue missions, drive around an enclosure and take pictures with a tourist-jeep thing (don't put it in a T-Rex enclosure or something about the same size; it might get eaten), and much more. The dinosaur AI was very advanced, and the graphics were pretty good. You could tell your paleontologists where to dig for dinosaur bones to extract DNA from, so you could get dinosaur species from all over the world. This game helped nurture my since-childhood love of T-Rex's ( :cookieMonster: ) and I just wondered if any of you have played it. I unfortunately lost my game disc, but I will look more. I have added a few pictures, so you can get what I am talking about.

Can you crash the chopper into a dinosaur?


You could fly helicopters and shoot dinosaurs from them. There was a campaign mission where the raptors went crazy. That was a fun mission. :3

I've had some good times with it.

Aheheh, some of the fun parks I made the people where inside the hebvi's cages and they roamed around freely. Then some times I'd remove the entrance and let loose Carni's.

I used to love that game. It just pissed me off that there was a limit to how many dinosaurs you could have in one park.

uh oh :( I want to b a pirat nao.

They need to make another.


Yeah. Another problem with it is that there is a limit to how many places you can dig for fossils from. And, once you choose, you can't change it. So basically I couldn't get any velociraptors in my park because I dug only in North America looking for Tyrannosaurus remains. :3

I played it.

Zoo tycoon + hunting minigame = this

i cant find game in stores D: . The demo was fun though.