Author Topic: Perfect Environment Settings  (Read 2981 times)

I think I almost perfectly matched the lighting from the old bedroom into the new static shapes one.

The only difference is that there's no shadows for stuff like the shelf or bed.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2014, 02:42:27 PM by OzmarBlock »

it amazes me how much effort people will put into going backwards

Because maybe backwards was forwards this whole time.

The default environment has the same sun rotation as the Bedroom map, except the lighting is blue-er

Direct light and shadow color: R - 0.400 G - 0.400 B 0.300
Ambient light: R - 0.700 G - 0.700 B - 0.700
« Last Edit: October 07, 2014, 07:29:03 PM by Masterlegodude »

This was from memory, so I thought it was pretty accurate.

its so gross looking lol

The original looked ugly. It's a wonder people actually want this garbage back.

It's accurate though, nice on that.

The only problem is that the light bulb is not there for the reason that this map will probably not be retextured to be like the old one.

aw i was hoping you'd actually integrate the old lighting into the new bedroom

The original looked ugly. It's a wonder people actually want this garbage back.

The original looked ugly. It's a wonder people actually want this garbage back.
want this garbage back.
garbage back.

Don't take it personally or anything, he did a good job. It's accurate. It's just that the base thing he is copying already looked bad.

it amazes me how much effort people will put into going backwards
Technically this IS going forwards, a while ago having S&S with maps seemed impossible, then static shape maps came up