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Topics - Alkatjo

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Off Topic / It's been a long time.
« on: January 18, 2024, 01:49:04 AM »
Hi. Old user checking in here.

It's been a while since I've last visited partly due to my negligence. I made a password that was just a pain to remember but finally got it after my 22nd try! I see the forums is still up and running and semi active? I throw that term around lightly because it looks like a bunch of other subs are just gone and dead. It's nice to see the community still partially active. I used to frequent the forums way before discord was a thing and would have the tab opened waiting for drama or a cool topic to be created. I loved seeing everyone interact with each other here, it was very "homey", if that makes sense. Discord has revolutionized the way we communicate online so you rarely see forums like this anymore unless you're in a super niche part of a game's cultural zeitgeist. I really miss when this forum was active constantly churning bans on problem users. It felt tedious keeping up with everything but if you were on top of your stuff it was fun.

I still see and remember a lot of the names from topics made within the span of a couple weeks. It's sad to see recently a couple of members have passed away in my absence. I've met people on this forum that I never hear from anymore and it really tugs on my heart strings because I used to play with these people, gossip, build, create, etc. Now they're gone and I rarely catch brief glimpses of activity if I have them friended on steam. I guess I'm feeling nostalgic and popped in to say hi, if anyone of you reading this remember me. I'm the guy who used to take everything out of context and tried to one up everyone. I had a massive ego but those problems are gone because life changes a guy.

How has everyone been?

/title. i've been looking for plates to use on my floors without them being made of studs. bricks that have a smooth surface like the print plate brick would be nice.

if there's already a pack dedicated to that, could anyone be so kind as to link me to it?

Help / Bots in vehicles and turrets.
« on: January 24, 2019, 08:26:02 PM »
I'm having some trouble with the default bot events regarding their use in vehicles, in particular vehicle turrets.

Putting a bot in a tank turret will make him always shoot sideways as if he was targeting me, but couldn't look at me. Also is there a way to disable bot strafing?

After a couple of years we decided we'd return to this game and enjoy some deatchmatch shenanigans. Enjoy.

I forgot the link. Some things never change.

In theory, a way to load a save when the player has completed an objective or interacted with an event. Like if the player was on map 1 of 3 and completed an objective to go to map 2 the event/script would load a save that was designated map 2 and so forth.


This guy should do a little bit of research next time.

Creativity / I lazily recreated the intro to Shadow the Hedgehog in Gmod.
« on: October 29, 2017, 03:47:42 AM »
i don't know whats going on with my life but sudden bursts of 3am productivity and a couple of nuggets later and this is the result.

First empire at war, now battlefront 2. Seems Disney is actually doing something productive with their license.

Off Topic / Suggest good sites to get clothes.
« on: July 14, 2017, 08:36:04 PM »
Budget is infinite.

I just need sites with good deals.

Off Topic / my 5000th post.
« on: June 06, 2017, 02:45:58 AM »
Its been almost 10 years since i've started playing this game. Although I'm not as into it as i was 10 years ago, i still stick around for you guys.

cheers.  :iceCream:

I'm working on a Single player horror adventure and I'm in need of a more efficient way to display texts and logs without having to write every line to On x -> client -> [Words].

Something that allowed you to store data through in game links, similar to a terminal.
I'm terrible at describing things so let me just give a visual example.

Suggestions & Requests / Looking for PhyDoors for blb.
« on: May 14, 2017, 11:32:43 PM »
I can't find the industrial and extra fans blb content packs. I've searched top and bottom but i haven't had the best of luck.

Games / LoZ: Breath of the Wild is a mediocre game.
« on: March 03, 2017, 05:04:36 PM »
If you've picked up the switch recently you might've also purchased breath of the wild. It's the biggest launch game for the console at this time and i gotta say - my expectations were not met. I'm not afraid to say that i didn't like it as far as story, and no I'm not going to spoil any key plot devices, it just feels so half assed as opposed to other recent zelda titles. Gameplay wise there's a huge "press x (in this case, y) to win" approach to enemies now it's almost sickening.

I'm sure there are a few of you out there who might think the same already, and I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on the game itself.

Off Topic / irritate my mates for me
« on: February 07, 2017, 11:10:42 PM »
i need to delete this evidence im sorry

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