Author Topic: Net neutrality shenanigins are happening.  (Read 38103 times)

I can think of one school of economics that thinks it's a good thing
Republicans are Chicago Schoolers for the most part, but you won't find a single economist in UChicago that will tell you that loss of consumer surplus due to monopolies is a good thing to have in society.

Republicans are Chicago Schoolers for the most part, but you won't find a single economist in UChicago that will tell you that loss of consumer surplus due to monopolies is a good thing to have in society.
it was a cheap quip, i wasn't trying to say the GOP is a legitimate school of economics

Real talk, I've been mostly conservative on all political matters but the ONE THING I have always liked and agreed with the left on is internet freedom and net neutrality.
I'd say this makes me a bit more center-right, as I am a bit more left leaning on some other issues as well.
The republican party is in need of major reform, they've become incredibly corrupt with all this corporate lobbying BS and their establishmentism is just toxic.
Obama was still not that good a president but the more i've learned about his efforts to protect internet freedom online with net neutrality, the more i've come to respect him.
Ajit Pai's reign of terror is 100% Annoying Orange's responsibility since he appointed him. I voted for Annoying Orange and now I am very likely going to vote Democrat instead in the next election.
I like some of what Annoying Orange is doing but it pales in importance to net neutrality.
This has to stop.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2017, 11:39:16 PM by Planr »

The republican party is in need of major reform, they've become incredibly corrupt with all this corporate lobbying BS and their establishmentism is just toxic.
I can't really talk much on what the GOP needs/doesn't need to do, but one major issue with the GOP is that the anti-establishment forces are really no better than the Republican establishment. What they should have done was take influence from either market-liberal Rockefeller Republicans or center-right Christian Democrats*. I still don't agree with either group, but at least they're generally decent and have good intentions. Instead the "reformist" faction of the GOP draws from the alt-right and right-wing populism, which is only making the Republican Party even more toxic.
* This isn't really a thing in the United States, but it's pretty common in Europe; I would describe it as "compassionate conservatism" if it weren't for the fact that W Bush ruined that phrase.

To be clear, I don't want a conformist government where everyone agrees with my views; I just want "the other party" to be decent.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2017, 11:52:34 PM by TristanLuigi »

I can't really talk much on what the GOP needs/doesn't need to do, but one major issue with the GOP is that the anti-establishment forces are really no better than the Republican establishment. What they needed was to take influence from either market-liberal Rockefeller Republicans or center-right Christian Democrats. I still don't agree with either group, but at least they're generally decent and have good intentions. Instead the "reformist" faction of the GOP draws from the alt-right and right-wing populism, which is only making the Republican Party even more toxic.
I feel though like the right-wing populists and alt-righters probably dont overlap much with the kind of people in support of killing net neutrality.

Most alt-righters/populists our age are probably usually 4chan meme posters or others who already heavily use the internet.
Only group I can really see being in favor of killing net neutrality in the alt-right pool is like, your stereotypical tribal redneck who hates net neutrality because it was made by obama and they hate obama because he was black.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2017, 11:49:30 PM by Planr »

I feel though like the right-wing populists and alt-righters probably dont overlap much with the kind of people in support of killing net neutrality.
I'm not saying that they're the part of the Party pushing net neutrality, just that they're making the GOP even more toxic than it already was.
That said, /r/the_donald seems to be just as excited about killing Net Neutrality as the rest of the GOP.

Most alt-righters/populists our age are probably usually 4chan meme posters or others who already heavily use the internet.
Only group I can really see being in favor of killing net neutrality in the alt-right pool is like, your stereotypical tribal redneck who hates net neutrality because it was made by obama and they hate obama because he was black.
Not to be dismissive, but I think most alt-righters legitimately believe some level of "it was made by Obama, so it's bad," even if they won't say it outright. Alternatively, I think some people on the alt-right want it repealed pretty much just because it pisses off the libtards. Also, the right-wing populists aren't an Internet subculture - they make up a significant fraction of Annoying Orange's base.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2017, 11:56:54 PM by TristanLuigi »

yeah i was going to an entrepeneur and start my own ISP, but then I decided not to because I wouldn't have the ability to choke sites to death and hamper free speech

should do this anyway and accept the billion dollars you get from commiecast buying you out

That said, /r/the_donald seems to be just as excited about killing Net Neutrality as the rest of the GOP.
people that subscribe to the_donald and the like are going to support decisions made by Annoying Orange and Annoying Orange appointed members regardless of whether they actually agree with it. if they don't they'll go through the mental gymnastics to because they're all about making sure their team wins regardless of the outcome

We have monopolies because they were successful...
what the hell is that supposed to mean
what is the difference between now (regulations repealed) and a couple of years ago (regulations not yet created) that makes you think new ISPs will begin to show up

people that subscribe to the_donald and the like are going to support decisions made by Annoying Orange and Annoying Orange appointed members regardless of whether they actually agree with it. if they don't they'll go through the mental gymnastics to because they're all about making sure their team wins regardless of the outcome
well yeah, but I would consider them relatively representative of the alt-right/RW-populists
if you feel this is not the case then I guess that's fair enough

ISP's are not natural monopolies.

ISP's are not natural monopolies.
yea but what the forget do you think this repeal is gonna do about it lol

ISP's are not natural monopolies.
  • Very high barriers to entry
  • Very high start-up cost
  • Economically inefficient to set up infrastructure for multiple companies
  • Existing ISPs can prevent new ISPs from taking hold
okay corderlain, let us know when you return to reality

yea but what the forget do you think this repeal is gonna do about it lol
also this. even if ISPs aren't a natural monopoly (they are, but let's just play along), net neutrality will do bugger-all to reduce monopolies in the industry

Pave the way for more diverse selection of local ISP's with competitive prices and speeds.

Pave the way for more diverse selection of local ISP's with competitive prices and speeds.