Author Topic: Blockland Thanksgiving  (Read 10311 times)

Thanksgiving. A time where families gather, eat good food, and appreciate what they have.
Let's not be tribal this holiday season, and remember the actual history behind the tradition
and how it's meant to bring us closer together and set our differences aside for once.
-Delicious edible Turkey Brick
-Giant fork to stab good meat and shank each other
-Pilgrim and Native Hat to remember the origin

*BONUS* - Native Default Faces! (there are enough bearded faces for the pilgrims, lol)

The hats' bands change to the color of your paint can:
(I guess this only works for the host?)

Tested on a clean install of Blockland
Please report any you find!

Happy Thanksgiving fellow Blocklanders!
« Last Edit: November 18, 2017, 10:17:05 PM by Goth77 »

The Harvest is the reason the Injuns only celebrated Thanksgiving, once.

Okay this looks better but holy sh!t are those forks big.

Might as well be spears.

I'm imagining a DM with people throwing those giant forks at each other

I'm imagining a DM with people throwing those giant forks at each other
And random chunks of cooked turkey that spawns around the map. When you eat it, you run faster.

And random chunks of cooked turkey that spawns around the map. When you eat it, you run faster.
Someone should host this!

I'm imagining a DM with people throwing those giant forks at each other
the forks would stick to walls like arrows do

this addon needs more appreciation it looks great

how to make throwing fork
1. get default bow
2. replace arrow with fork
3. make bow invisible
4. ???
5. profit

I'm digging that turkey model

Looks awesome, but...

Can you please provide another download mirror for these and the faces?

how to make throwing fork
1. get default spear
2. replace spear with fork
3. make bow invisible
4. ???
5. profit