Author Topic: Blockland Bug Catching v.1.0  (Read 4503 times)


I originally intended to release this last spring, but never got around to it
Without further ado, let me introduce the first critter catching mod of it's kind:
Blockland Bug Catching!
* A bug net item for capturing bugs
* A jar brick to display caught bugs
(click to view full size)

Azure Butterfly
A light blue butterfly that is often sought for its beauty.
The white powder that falls off its body is poisonous

Bengal Butterfly
An orange and black butterfly, commonly found.
A distant blocky cousin of the monarch butterfly

Daisy Butterfly
Sometimes mistaken for a bee, but very friendly.
The daisy butterfly uses it colors to keep away prey

Neon Butterfly
A butterfly that glows in the dark!
They are swift and hard to catch

Catching bugs can prove to be fun and challenging, but it's as easy as 1,2,3!


*Compatibility with Mini Critters Mod
*More critters to capture and jar
*Events for jar bricks

-The butterflies tend to flap really fast and spaz out a bit

-Player butterflies is not fully implemented (not a bug rlly)

Please report any others you may find
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 11:29:51 PM by Goth77 »

too bad vehicle physics cant be caught by this, or moveforward(0.1)

neat novelty mod!

Ayy welcome back glad to see you're still making things.

Edit, fishing next? :)))
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 06:36:42 AM by Blockhead31735 »

too bad vehicle physics cant be caught by this, or moveforward(0.1)
What do you mean?
Ayy welcome back glad to see you're still making things.
Thanks :D

oh lmao i thought this would be completely different because of the title

Not the kind of bug i was expecting. Still, cool mod.

what is this legend of zelda

The butterflies are so freakin' adorable!!!

This could be pretty fun, nice job

-When standing still with a caught butterfly in the net, looking around in first person,
sometimes the bug will "disappear" from the net. Simply moving forward makes it reappear.
I'm not sure why this happens. Maybe because the models are "insect" sized?
increase the model bounds

Bumpdate: Just a small bug fix for the model bounds

LOL i love this! cant wait to test