Author Topic: Uneven 1x2  (Read 4852 times)

that's pretty impressive, i don't think i've ever thought of something like this.

Such a simple change.. But so amazing :)

nice. except, what if you dont have the bricks enabled, and you have a wall save. would the places where these were be empty, or would it be replaced with the normal bricks?
Empty, as this brick does not have the same UI name as the 1x2 brick

This neat, but 1 suggestion though
It looks like the brick is only moved 1/4 of the way over, maybe you should make one that is 1/2 the distance? so it would be in-between the studs.

Such as these bricks do if the 1x2 brick is placed perpendicular to the plate. Notice how the stud is in-between where there would normally be 2 studs, offsetting the brick that is placed on it by 1/2.

Nice job, though. Inspires a lot more brick makers :)

Great idea man.

This is exactly what i want for the pole bricks, so that centered 4x print signs can be made

nice. except, what if you dont have the bricks enabled, and you have a wall save. would the places where these were be empty, or would it be replaced with the normal bricks?
The same way it is with absolutely any brick that comes from an add-on. It just wont load the brick.

What a good starter to be respected on the forums and BL!

Bravo, got my DL. Great job!

What a good starter to be respected on the forums and BL!

Bravo, got my DL. Great job!