Author Topic: Antares's Exoplanets  (Read 2120 times)


All this drawings were made by me, Dennis Lamers, in PaintdotNET. The plugin I used was Shape3D. It's free and can be easily found at Google.

If you want to make planets like me, I've put up a video about it.

Welcome to my exoplanets drawings. It all began with Earth 2.0 that Shinji started in May 2011. Once I started to draw planets in paint, I discovered that Paint.NET had much more features for making professional drawings. Then I found out about the Shape 3D plugin, and started to make more drawings. The first drawing is my new planet drawing. Hope you'll like them all. If you want to use this images, contact me please.


Do you want to have a planet drawing for a forum game or something else? Please send me a image of 600x1200 with continents in BLACK color and the oceans in white color. So I can cut them out and replacing them by landscape.

Professional drawings

First drawings

Share your opinions.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 10:49:16 AM by Antares »

very nice, except i feel like the land on the earth is kinda popping of the thing :S

very nice, except i feel like the land on the earth is kinda popping of the thing :S
Sorry, I can't do nothing about it. I'll try to fix this in a new planet drawing.

very nice, except i feel like the land on the earth is kinda popping of the thing :S
maybe the planet's just smaller than it looks and has less gravity than you think

Pretty damn good for

10/10 would view again

It's decent. But needs quite a bit of work, or rather you need more experience.
Keep practicing and try out some new techniques.

Land is too smooth.

more islands and rough edges

Pretty awesome.
I use Paint.NET too, but I am not that creative at drawing.

i like the second one best. the sun in #1 doesnt look the greatest.

make me a big wallpaper like that, i have two 1080p monitors so it has to be biiig :D

Make the landmasses more rigid.