Author Topic: A small house  (Read 1535 times)

This is just something I made in my spare time for a city RPG, feel free to rate it in the comments:

A view of the side of the house

A view of the bedroom

Looking at the bedroom from a different camera angle

A view of the kitchen

The bathroom

The basement
A view from outside
Washing machine and dryer in the basement
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 11:50:21 AM by Synthesis »

Man this takes me back. Would fit perfectly in BAC's Town or something.

Definitely not a practical or realistic home but it gave me serious nostalgia.

Nice, I like what you did with the bedroom!

the interior is nice, but the exterior isnt that great. i think you should work on it more

Love it, gallery needs more blocklandy homes like this, instead of the same bland hyper realistic az builds we see a ton

Yeah, you probably just need to work a touch on the exterior - the interior is very cozy and soft while the exterior starkly contrasts that. Also, this is personal preference but I think that the random window design tends to not look good - to me its complexity greatly contrasts the simplicity of the rest of it.

Thanks for all the comments guys; unfortunately, I'm working on a different project so I won't be able to make the changes you suggested, thanks for your time though.

I mean the best thing to do is take the advice now for future builds so I'd say with that in mind we're looking forward to your next projects