Author Topic: Blocko Death and Pain Sounds  (Read 3771 times)

(Credit for the original version of this mod goes to Ctrooper and Arekan.)

The Battlefield 3 death/pain sounds mod was cool, but I felt it would be better if they were pitched up to sound more "Blocko", so I did just that.

Now you can actually sound like a Blockhead in pain when you die or take damage.


This addon includes:
  • 25 different "blockofied" BF3 death sounds
  • 14 "blockofied" pain sounds
  • 6 body fall sounds (reduced volume)
  • Bonus! 1 mystery death yell (1 in 26 chance to play when you die)

Now get out there and hurt yourself!

oh sick you released em

Yee, enjoy! I cut it down from 100 to 25 though, there's really no need for that many lol

Should've used the death sounds from Red Orchestra :cookieMonster:

Tbh i think more TDM server hosts should consider using a death yell pack. This is awesome btw. I ripped the insurgency sound files and bumped up the pitch on those death yells, sounds great lol.

i'm going to download this based on the preview alone lol
absolutely loved the video, kinda reminds me of why i fell in love with this game

Great add-on and amazing video.