
Is this list worthy of a sticky?

Needs more commands

Author Topic: Big list O' Console Commands!  (Read 127847 times)

ObjectID.setShapeName("Name here");

Sets an object's name. Only works on vehicles (as far as I know).

Edited. I had totally forgot about this topic; surprised heed bumped it.

Can I have the console command to change what bot is mounted on the tank? I forgot what it is and where I got it.

Can I have the console command to change what bot is mounted on the tank? I forgot what it is and where I got it.

Lists information of every player on the server (IP, Ping, and other stuff (ping is last))
Code: [Select]

-spam snip-

Reported. Idiot, stop trying to ruin a good topic.

What exactly do buildWall() and the like do?

idk if this wass posted already but:

findclientbyname("namehere").player.delete();  -deletes a player datablock

findclientbyname("namehere").player.kell();  -kills a player

findclientbyname("namehere").player.kell();  -kills a player
What does the function "kell" have to do with killing a player?

Is there a console command to change the max players?