Author Topic: Blockland love Offender Registry  (Read 21043 times)

Welcome to the Blockland love Offender Registry. This is a free service where we keep track of known child enthusiasts who continue to lurk the forum after being outted as a menace to society. Please use this thread as reference whenever you need to do a background check or are otherwise concerned for your child's safety. To submit a user to the registry, post their name, profile and a photograph of their offense.

Clone v.177

Posted sensual photographs of underaged girls online. Confirmed fantasies of sodomizing little girls.


Believed to have an extensive collection of researchographic material involving young girls.  Posted some of said material on the forum resulting in a ban.


Attempted to bait a server to engage in the discussion of creepphilliac fantasies.


Solicited a user he thought was an 11-year-old girl for researchographic pictures of herself.


Admits to preferring the "company" of children over people his own age.
Hmm not really im the most mature out of my friends and they are childish.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 04:55:49 PM by Stocking »

Why am I not surprised that Stocking posted this?

Stocking, please stop, this isn't really funny

you should probably count the dog-forgeters in there too though.

You should probably count the dog-forgeters in there too though.

Doge loving isn't child enthusiasm now, is it?  :cookieMonster:

Stocking, please stop, this isn't really funny
i don't know about you but stocking is whoring for attention and you're giving her it.

besides, i found this funny.

Nothing Stocking posts should ever be taken seriously.
This takes the cake.

Port better watch out

User: "Skull Candy"
Offense: molests small children via PM, numerous counts of attempted rape

« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 09:08:27 PM by SpreadsPlague »

Im going to out myself. I made out with Trogdor and he's underage. I'm ashamed.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 09:10:34 PM by Pixel »

User: "Skull Candy"
Offense: molests small children via PM, numerous counts of attempted rape


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Im going to molest you. D:

User: "Skull Candy"
Offense: molests small children via PM, numerous counts of attempted rape

nice photoshop, really lol