Author Topic: VidMe - Goodbye YouTube  (Read 3822 times)

VidMe - Goodbye YouTube

This is the YouTube Replacement some have been waiting for, and considering, and i know but stay with me here, Paul Joseph Watson's new video the issue is only going to get larger. Politics aside, channels like PewDiePie and Johntron could be at risk because they dont fall in an E for Everyone rating ( ha, jokes ) and are probably going to be removed or blocked from most youtube accounts and lurkers.

So youtube is implementing a wall for users to pass to watch all their videos, but you know who doesn't pull this stuff? VIDME, so heres my plan. If enough people can convince GradeA or another Youtuber with a lot of subs to plug this, and either jump ship or do a dual upload deal, uploading to VidMe first, we might be finally able to rid ourselves of YouTube's bullstuff.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 09:12:03 AM by Master Matthew² »

I signed up to this site a while ago, I know extracredits puts their videos on here

of course matthew makes a thread like this

youtube is too global for a change like this to ever go succesful.

of course matthew makes a thread like this

youtube is too global for a change like this to ever go succesful.
Thats what people said about

There is no such thing as too big to fail.

the layout of this is so stuff

There is no such thing as too big to fail.
okay, then what makes you think this won't fail?

Thats what people said about

There is no such thing as too big to fail.

there is a list 10x bigger than that about all the ones that tried and failed. vidme is in that list.

I don't see why would VidMe succeed any better than other platforms, I don't see it bringing anything special or making it actually be more "Wow!" than YouTube to warrant it this glory, and in the terms of replacement Vimeo and DailyMotion have been there for eons, among forgetton of others.
It's very difficult to shatter monopolies like this. I doubt even one hundredth of the YouTube userbase will even use VidMe. There are people that also just do not care, or support YouTube's cancer.

dailymotion is full of spambots

youtube is too global for a change like this to ever go succesful.

this will fail since youtube is way too big. advertisers probably won't care about this website because of how small it is and the existing competition (youtube)
no ads = no content creators

App on android has 3.8 stars lol

youtube won't go away just because it's a subsidiary of google and the integration literally makes youtube too big to fail