Author Topic: JangoZ(???) (blid 179013) gorebombing  (Read 2588 times)

ban this chud

he got alot of names too

this dude sounds to tough for a ban

He just popped by skill4life's to verbally harass builders as well as place ghost bricks on their builds, after receiving a 1 minute ban and a warning telling him to stop he returned to try to lag the server with bot spawns.

He failed, and now he is perma'd.

ban this chud
I don't really get what the purpose of this drama post is about. Are you saying you want us to ban someone from our servers all because they gorebombed on a server of yours?

P.S., his original name was Bunng (Bunngherks on steam) fyi.

I don't really get what the purpose of this drama post is about. Are you saying you want us to ban someone from our servers all because they gorebombed on a server of yours?
Gorebombing, suspicious excessive name changing, and as Postal said, harassing, and bot lagging

Are you saying you want us to ban someone from our servers all because they gorebombed on a server of yours?


I'm surprised as to how there is no way that you can delete a reply of yours

JangoZ back at it again with brutal blockland

I don't really get what the purpose of this drama post is about. Are you saying you want us to ban someone from our servers all because they gorebombed on a server of yours?

P.S., his original name was Bunng (Bunngherks on steam) fyi.
what would you do then hotshot let them stay until they do it to you too?

he went offline after that

noedit god damnit

he actually went offline after sending that yesterday but i was too lazy to take a screenshot

what forget your problem, adel?

what forget your problem? Masterlegodude